You’d think that after the opening ceremony the French Olympic committee would be thinking they’d have to clean things up a bit so as to not deliberately offend normal people (and in particular, Christians) - and do something related to… I don’t know… Sport?
But no. They have to double down with their Lucifarian narrative - as if the realms of darkness can’t help but boast about where they are in their agenda to subvert the world.
But of course the mainstream is out in force riduculing anyone who’s pointing out this obvious truth. I recon they could have performed a child sacrifice at the closing and still say ‘No! Nothing to do with satanic rituals!’ - it’s getting that blatant.
If you haven’t seen it (and don’t bother if you haven’t) the closing ceremony was full of dark imagery suggesting the opening of a portal overseen by a hoard of demonic beings1 and Lucifer himself2. Some suggest the portal was about conjuring ancient Greek gods, but dig deep enough and you’ll find they are all the same thing - fallen angels.
And this portal theme… is this a reference to the release of the Watchers who have been bound up in the earth since the days of Noah?
Who are the Watchers?
In the first part of 1 Enoch (The Book of the Watchers), the Watchers (עִירִין, iyrin) are angels sent to earth by God to oversee humanity. However, they soon departed from their heavenly mandate and develop lustful desires for human women, and under the influence of their leader, Samyaza, they rebel by imparting forbidden knowledge to humans and interbreeding with them, descending on a mountain known as Hermon (basically a demonic staging post on the earth). The hybrid children of these unions are the Nephilim, fierce giants who wreak havoc and threaten humanity (it’s said that the disembodied spirits of dead Nephilim are what we’d call demons).
Samyaza and his followers taught humans various arts and technologies, including weapon-making, cosmetics, mirrors, sorcery, and other skills - some helpful, most evil, and no doubt all the while setting the Watchers up as ‘god’ over their subjects (not quite God’s intention). Eventually, God decides to cleanse the planet of the Nephilim with a Great Flood but first sends Uriel to warn Noah, ensuring the survival of the human (unadulterated, non-hybrid) race3. The Watchers are then bound "in the valleys of the Earth" (Enoch describes a place under the desert, Dudael דּוּדָאֵ4, enclosed with ‘sharp rocks’) until Judgment Day. Jude verse 6 also references this - "And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day."

What about portals?
Could the principalities and powers (and the psyche of those under their influence), be anticipating the release of these fallen ones in the ‘day of judgment’ (which may be a short period, not a literal 24 hours). In Revelation 9:1 a ‘star fallen from heaven’ is given the key to the bottomless pit5 and opens up this portal for demonic powers6 to come up and upon the earth.
Lucifer and his cohort probably don’t see this ‘prison break’ in the same way as God does (i.e. a tool of judgment), but maybe they are looking forward to it as an opportunity to dominate more completely - who knows what’s in the mind of such a twisted being! Whatever it is, it’s not good.
What we see being displayed at these big events, these prophetic utterances of the god of the air, reveal something of the real agenda, the big picture, of what’s playing out on the earth. We can get caught up by the details of transgenderism, immigration, technocracy, etc, and miss the overarching theme - Lucifer’s plan to be god and king over all the earth and to hell with everyone (quite literally). All those other details are important, and we need to stand against such ungodliness, but our primary war is with the principalities and powers that lord it over the people of the world - the real puppet masters, if you will. Let’s not be glorifying them by supporting their stage shows!

Looking rather like alien ‘greys’ - surprise, surprise.
The creator of the main figure may truly believe it represents the gold disk that was sent into space (the Golden Voyager), but I don’t buy it - it just looks demonic and place it in the context of the demon figures with the portal (which they will say is the space disk also), then it paints a very dark satanic picture. This is from the creative energy of a nation that has virtually no Christianity so can be forgiven to be totally in the dark when it comes to Satan’s maipulation of their every move.
There were fallen angel incursions after the flood as well and Nephilim/giant figures (‘mighty men of old’) who probably inspired a lot of the Greek mythology. One of the mandates for Israel going into the promised land was to kill all the hybrids - thus the extermination of everyone in certain cities where the hybrids flourished.
דּוּדָאֵל the cauldron of God.
φρέαρ - a well, hole in the ground for water or holding other things, and is figuratively used to describe the pit of the abyss (because the nether world is thought to increase in size the further it extends from the surface of the earth and so resemble a cistern, the orifice of which is narrow).
Revelation is full of metaphor and figurative language - the demonic power that’s released is unlikely to be seen as actual locusts with faces of men and crowns on their heads (maybe in the unseen realm, but probably not in the physical). Rather it speaks of a devastating force that has been granted authority for a time.
It's so boring at this point. Their mind control magic is wearing off and they are desperately trying to pump life back into the media machine using shock value, but the rituals are all cheap and tawdry, reeking of desperation. When the demons come to collect on their contract this could get really ugly.
I didn't bother with the Opening Ceremony and glad I didn't bother with the closing one. Thanks for putting yourself through the pain of watching so that we don't need to.