Not an essay, just a thought considering current events:
Australia was disarmed in 1996 when Martin Bryant killed 35 people with an AR-15 in Port Arthur, Tasmania. The official story is well documented and a Google query will give you all the official narrative you can consume. But if you dare ask any questions about the narrative, you are, of course, a conspiracy theorist. And if anyone with any knowledge of ballistics, snipers, and what’s reasonable in such situations poses a counter narrative, well they must be as crazy as the guy who perpetrated the crime or a tool of the QAnon/anti-vaxxer/anti-fluoride camp.
Whenever the topic comes up in Australia it is drowned with a tsunami of ‘fact checkers’ (even before there were ‘fact checkers’) slamming the very thought crime as a crazy conspiracy theory. Because as we all know, conspiracy theories are NEVER correct and good people don’t ever take them seriously.
Here’s a headline that’s typical from a few years back…
This article quickly dismisses any question that the official narrative could be wrong, misleading, even an outright coverup! The article puts conspiracy theories to rest by saying -
These conspiracy theories that someone else was responsible or helped carry out the massacre are patently untrue.
Bryant, who was known for killing animals and riddling their bodies with bullets, was the one who fired indiscriminately into a cafe, gift shop, a car and a bus at point blank range with an AR-15. There is no credible evidence that suggests otherwise.
Nothing to see here. Nothing. Put your hand down you idiot, there’s no questions the official narrative hasn’t addressed!! Just because there wasn’t any trial, no coronial inquest, no public inquiry, or any royal commission, doesn’t mean we don’t know absolutely everything about what happened. And just because all the evidence after a brief hearing was ordered to be sealed, is just normal for such a catastrophic event… don’t look confused, it’s all about keeping you safe. We can’t have another young guy with an IQ of 66 suddenly turn into an expert marksman mass murderer who would be the envy of any clandestine organisation’s black ops team.
The article goes on to explain,
The conspiracy theory has found new life in other conspiracy and extreme online communities… Port Arthur “truthers” have found a new home on social media platforms… A 2014 video of an interview with a retired Victorian police officer who names third parties as responsible for the shooting has more than 110,000 views… Bitchute — a video platform loved by Neo-Nazis and conspiracy theorists for its non-existent moderation — is also filled with Port Arthur denialist videos…
So, there are no patsies to cover the tracks of black ops used to disarm a nation, change a presidency, or any other such nonsense. Only mass psychosis of those who’d question. Conspiracy crazies (like Australian senators who’ve been calling for an inquiry in Port Arthur for decades now) are the only ones questioning the holy scriptures of MSM official narrative. Don’t be one of them! Don’t ask question! Do you want to be one of the dangerous stupid ones?
Now if you want to know how crazy these conspiracy theorists are, go to Bitchute and search for ‘Port Arthur Massacre’ and sort by ‘views’ and you’ll find a plethora of antisemitic/Nazi/global-warming denialists insane detailed expert analysis of the event. Maybe pick some of the most watched ones and listen carefully… just so you don’t fall into the same conspiracy theory delusion.
Lol “denialism”, because of that one thing that never happened.