Not an essay, just a thought considering current events: Australia was disarmed in 1996 when Martin Bryant killed 35 people with an AR-15 in Port Arthur, Tasmania. The official story is well documented and a Google query will give you all the official narrative you can consume. But if you dare ask any questions about the narrative, you are, of course, a conspiracy theorist. And if anyone with any knowledge of ballistics, snipers, and what’s reasonable in such situations poses a counter narrative, well they must be as crazy as the guy who perpetrated the crime or a tool of the QAnon/anti-vaxxer/anti-fluoride camp.
It's a religious mentality. Christians would historically accuse heretics of "Denying Christ". Denialism has a much older pedigree than that one thing that never happened.
Lol “denialism”, because of that one thing that never happened.
It's a religious mentality. Christians would historically accuse heretics of "Denying Christ". Denialism has a much older pedigree than that one thing that never happened.