People can disagree with Thomas Szasz all they want, but he saw things more clearly than anyone else. Especially in his criticism of Freud's thought. The Therapeutic State is the worst possible form of mandatory religion.
Also, Szasz wrote that Freud couldn't stand that he was fooled by his female patients about the sexual abuse stories. Therefore, Szasz is also criticizing the views of the Marxists who took Freud's work to mean that the whole history of humanity is about parents, mostly the fathers, sexually abusing daughters, and the subsequent institutionalization of the abuse following symbolic rules in the Capitalist State.
But there are other critics of Freud's theories that accept the truth of the systematic sexual abuse but deny the validity of psychoanalysis to help the victims. No binary thinking in any of this.
I don't know if the early clients of Doctor Freud were telling the truth or not, but psychoanalysis does not perform well, and the alternative, the CBT, also is a failure. This stupid blend of shallow stoicism and materialistic pseudoscience does a disservice to people with real psychological trauma, which always comes back. I don't want to jinx anyone who may read this comment, but we cannot just put several layers of paint over the reality that physicalism is wrong so that CBT "works": there is something else, and you better take care of it or the politicians will turn you into another zombie.
Taking only the best from history in how to subjugate citizens to tyrannical rule. Will the sheeple never learn? I guess that’s the lesson I take away from this. My expectations of growing intelligence of the masses is probably ill-conceived.
I have hope too that people will come to their senses - but then I second guess that expectation and wonder if they had any sense in the first place when I see stories like this - and from supposed 'smart' people.
When I hit my limit of patience, waiting for things to get better, my angry subconscious, hungry for revenge, sees;
gaslights, lit by methane wafting from the decomposing corpses of the progressive-oppressive totalitarian globalists, strung up with piano wire, under those formally LED illuminated lamp posts.
Now it's time to go do something productive to repent for my mind's wishful thinking.
Imagine this sort of thinking + death panels - the mentally deranged (because they dare question the authorities) will be first served antipsychotics or some other chemical lobotomy and then progress to more fatal measures (because their lives are obviously not worth living).
Death panels exist here already. Every case in the hospital by a board of doctors. Life support is detached every day with recommendstions of these panels. No next of kin to fight for you and you die.
This is my rant for today in response to this video clip. My daughter who is a nurse believes this story to be garbage as in “not real.” I recognize the woman reporter from the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and believe her to be in sync with Rebel News branded as “far right” whom I subscribe to but the doctor in the clip is unknown to me. Question- with so much mis and disinformation on the Internet that literally spreads like wildfire and the ability to splice certain news clips together to completely present a false narrative how does one determine what is factual and true from what is false and merely fiction and or only partially true? Salty Cracker and Viva Frei always say you need to have the receipts before you post anything…
I have nothing to reply to my daughter to prove this is indeed the truth to her comment that she has never seen anyone prescribed antipsychotic medications to someone who isn’t ill. My daughter is a millennial and an RN so carries strong opinions re Covid, the vaccines, etc. which are contrary to my own but I never seem to have a valid defence she will respect. Just extremely frustrated as everything I do try to present to her gets knocked down as she considers all as “far right” sources she has no trust in nor respect for. She is indeed a true Liberal… I love her dearly hence my frustration that we always find ourselves on polar opposite sides since covid began on every issue and I am growing so weary of my kids and relatives believing me to be so stupid as to getting sucked into believing all of the “conspiracy theories…”
It is getting to the point where I am afraid to say anything in order to avoid the criticism I know is coming and instead just start to keep my thoughts to myself.
2 very recent and interesting studies were published that might help loosen the armor around your daughter’s steadfast faith in all things vax. One appeared in the Lancet and clearly shows that natural immunity is superior to either vax at both preventing re-infection and probably severe events. The hilarious part of this is that if you read the summary of the data and then their interpretation of the data, their last statement still supports the vaccines as the best course of action EVEN THOUGH THEIR DATA SAYS OTHERWISE!!! There is no substantiation of their claim which tells me they were forced to put the statement in by the Lancet as a condition of publication.
The second appears in the journal Nature and shows that reinfection increases the risk of severe events and there is no distinction between vaxxed and natural immunity.
Combine these 2 studies with the risk of adverse reaction to the vax and I don’t see how anyone, particularly someone in the medical field could continue to blindly support vaccination at this point in time with all that we know about it. The first one should open the eyes to any “conspiracy deniers” as to the depths of corruption within the medical establishment to suppress the truth.
Thank you so very much for providing me with these two links which I intend to forward to my daughter. These she will accept as they are actual clinical studies. If you also would happen to have a link to a clinical study reporting honest vaers I would send her that too. I watch a Dr. Campbell on YouTube he resides in the north of England and has been blogging for 2 years on Covid and the vaccines. He began as very much in favour of the vaccines two years ago and now two years in he has completely changed sides based on all of the evidence he has seen and dissected for us as he only uses proper clinical studies from all over the world to gain his data. His latest one extolled the obvious and undeniable benefits of taking Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K personally to fight against osteoporosis as he is an older man. The clinical study he used I believe also came from the Dept of US Veterans Services and he was very satisfied with the large numbers of cohorts and those taking it as a supplement versus those not taking it in relation to having Covid, or having had had Covid. Something like 33% less chance of getting Covid with taking Vitamin D3 the study proved beyond a doubt !
He asked why the results of this study weren’t being shouted from the rooftops and then added Vitamim D 3 was proven safe and effective, had been available for many years, was inexpensive and easy to find… but of course there was no money to be made from promoting it hence crickets about this also very recent study that taking VitaminD3 can save lives with people having Covid and can also help protect your body from getting Covid! Anyone not living in a hot sunny climate year round will have Vitamin
D3 deficiency and in the US that number is a shocking 52%of the population I believe he said!! I intend for my husband and I to add Vitamin D3 and the Vitamin K as we’re older too to our lives save in the summer. We’ve had the two initial shots of Phyzer being largely persuaded by our same nurse daughter but we do not intend to get any more and now must wait out approximately the next 10 years according to Dr. Robert Malone for something dire to happen if it’s going to so 🤞and adding Vitamin D3 to our diets.
I will keep my eyes open for adverse reaction studies. This one is not hard as virtually nobody is denying the increased risk of heart issues (myo/pericarditis). My brother is a 30 year cardiologist and has been guiding me in terms of good/bad studies. He’s totally against the vaccines for the general population as he has seen the resulting increase in heart issues. His job has been threatened because it is virtually impossible to function as a doctor (particularly in specialized medicine) without the backing of the large healthcare organizations. As you so aptly point out, the only thing they care about is money. Quite often the recommend and approved methods of treatment are less about patient health and more about how much money it will bring in.
I will pray for your daughter’s eyes to be open but I warn you to not get your hopes up too soon. Keep sending her reasoned rational objections with good data and she will eventually be forced to see the error of her ways. My experience is that most people who support vaccination are so “invested” in their stance that they have to be handled as a long term project. Their initial resistance to anything that doesn’t support their views is very strong.
I wish you all the best for you, your husband and the rest of your family. It is only through support like this that we have any chance of reigning in the gross abuse of our families and the public at large.
Hi Sonya - for my part I'm being hyperbolic and satirical, but for good reason - the way these things usually work is that the powers that be propose a certain thing that pushes their agenda but is also outside our widow of what's acceptable (anyone with concerns about the vaccines are 'anxious' or even have some other mental disturbance). They then draw back (having planted a seed of an idea), then inch forward (maybe thrust some truely mentally disturbed individuals into the lime light who are opposing 'reasonable health mandates', highlighting the dangers of such mental conditions and what can be done. This inching forward, pushing the envelope, and retreating, and then forward again, is a classic propaganda technique to move the window of acceptability ever closer to the propagandist's ideal.
The satirical response is to jump right to the end game and amplify it so there is no doubt as to where it's heading. So the CPSO page on how to manage patients doesn't say that anyone in opposition to the vaccine is mentally ill and needs antipsychotics - of course not, it's way too early for that rhetoric - but they are heading down that direction. "other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options" is a soft way of saying something like "Look, everyone has to have these vaccines, if they don't want it that's a concern and medication (psychiatry) and psychotherapy should be considered."
Keep creeping this line of reasoning and where does it end up?
The Jews in 1930s Germany, to use a much cited example over these past few years, went from respectable business owners, artists, and teachers, to vermin that needed to be exterminated lest they infect and destroy the world.
"she has never seen anyone prescribed antipsychotic medications to someone who isn’t ill." I would hope that is the case - but we are moving into new territory now. Say a psychiatrist prescribes an antipsychotic to someone who is "ill" (what's the definition of "ill", could it be "an exaggerated anxiety of receiving vaccines, so much so that it prevents the person from receiving 'life-saving' medicine"?) - is the nurse going to question the psychiatrist or is she going to see that patient as ill also?
I've been privy to a psychiatrists decisions to medicate someone based on very flimsy evidence of psychosis- The GP went along with it, because you don't question a psychiatrist (apparently). After a year of misdiagnosis, and the massive weight gain from the antipsychotic, the patient got a new GP and a second opinion and was found not to be psychotic but there was a completely different condition that was successfully treated by a different team of health professionals who knew what they were doing.
Yes I know we are entering unchartered territory as everything that was is no longer and I totally agree psychiatrists are not always right either. My daughter has a great insight into poor mental health suffering herself from depression and newly diagnosed ADHD but without proof she doesn’t believe much of what I have tried to warn her of. I will be forwarding her two clinical studies sent to me by a kind person on your blog re Covid and the vaccines to hopefully turn on a light. She just can’t seem to fathom what all we are up against and yet she is an intelligent and smart person whom I highly respect. She isn’t able to comprehend the utter corruption we face in every aspect of our lives cause she’s just too INNOCENT to be able to comprehend it I think so she defies it instead. Thanks for your support!
I've been in dialogue with some rather high level mental health professionals, sending them papers, charts, etc, over the past year or so, but they see it all as propaganda and stick with their set of ideas. It's so difficult to determine if they have been so brainwashed that they just can't see an alternative perspective, can't see some obvious discrepancies (i.e. the vaccines are perfectly safe but within that definition of safe is a whole lot of injury and death), or because of some sort of 'sunk cost bias' are sticking to the narrative even thought they suspect they may have been wrong. Maybe it's pride, maybe it's career preservation, maybe it's loyalty to a political position over and above reality - maybe a combination of all of those things.
What I do know, is there are nurses who have worked in the same ICUs and emergency departments who see a very different picture than the narrative supportive ones. I know first hand because I've spoken to some.
A person's reality can be very divergent from one person to another!
Thank you so much but alas it is now my son who has gone to a very dark place and we’re praying our family’s love and support can pull him through… two of my three kids suffer from deep long term depression only our middle child escaped unscathed. The suicide rates along with the horrific vaccine deaths are what the globalists wanted, world depopulation, the slaughter of our babies is so inhumane it is inconceivable to me..A new movie just released today by Stu Peters on Rumble called “Died Suddenly” you must watch and share share share. The suicide rates went sky high through Covid mandates and lockdowns but they remain high because what a shitty world it is now for young people!
I couldn’t agree more with your last statement! We may all be humans but that’s all the similarities we share and since covid and all of the hatred that spewed out along with the prejudice and bias that spread like wildfire against all of the unvaccinated people of this world, despite mandates being dropped things just don’t feel like they did before. How is it that formerly nice intelligent people turned into evil reincarnated with a vengeance and a hatred towards their fellow man that I have never experienced in my lifetime? My daughter is smart, intelligent, and has a big heart full of compassion hence wanting a career that helped people in some way, so I think something will get through, I don’t know what it will be but something will eventually penetrate her world to open her eyes to the corruption of our medical institutions and reveal to her the truths behind covid and behind the vaccines the injuries of which are growing daily and just can’t be stifled forever!
AFAIC people still willing to allow themselves be guinea pigs in a mass gene therapy experiment using untested frankenstein technology which are now known to cause serious, detrimental heart defects (myo/pericarditis) are the ones that need their heads examined.
To quote the relevant section of the 100% pro-vaxxx "FAQ":
It is also important that physicians work with their patients to manage anxieties related to the vaccine and not enable avoidance behaviour. For example, for extreme fear of needles (trypanophobia) or other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options. Overall, physicians have a responsibility to allow their patients to be properly informed about vaccines and not have those anxieties empowered by an exemption.
Thank you! He’s being held for 24 hours and is waiting to be assessed by a psychiatrist at the hospital so he is at least safe for now and in the best possible place for getting help…
My daughter called 911 and left her shift at her hospital to come to his rescue Thank God!
Exactly! With more and more damages and evidence coming out from vaccine injuries the MSM can only contain so much, and once it becomes too big too much and the floodgates open they won’t be able to continue suppressing it.
The choice is clear, lock these WEF collaborators up (or something) before they do likewise to you.
Or 'something' is probably a better choice
Sometimes it seems a pity that only Muslim extremists have suicide bombers...
The idiots aren't worth dying over.
I think I agree with the Goon Show announcer Wallace Greenslade who would often end episodes with the line, "It's all in the mind, you know".
People can disagree with Thomas Szasz all they want, but he saw things more clearly than anyone else. Especially in his criticism of Freud's thought. The Therapeutic State is the worst possible form of mandatory religion.
Also, Szasz wrote that Freud couldn't stand that he was fooled by his female patients about the sexual abuse stories. Therefore, Szasz is also criticizing the views of the Marxists who took Freud's work to mean that the whole history of humanity is about parents, mostly the fathers, sexually abusing daughters, and the subsequent institutionalization of the abuse following symbolic rules in the Capitalist State.
But there are other critics of Freud's theories that accept the truth of the systematic sexual abuse but deny the validity of psychoanalysis to help the victims. No binary thinking in any of this.
I don't know if the early clients of Doctor Freud were telling the truth or not, but psychoanalysis does not perform well, and the alternative, the CBT, also is a failure. This stupid blend of shallow stoicism and materialistic pseudoscience does a disservice to people with real psychological trauma, which always comes back. I don't want to jinx anyone who may read this comment, but we cannot just put several layers of paint over the reality that physicalism is wrong so that CBT "works": there is something else, and you better take care of it or the politicians will turn you into another zombie.
Drapetomania: the mental illness of a slave that tries to escape captivity.
I couldn't remember. That was a "joke" that Szasz repeated often.
In the same snarky tone we could say that eleutheromania is the "mental disorder of those who oppose the WEF."
As long as Greek roots do the heavy lifting, the diagnosis exudes perfectly legit air.
Taking only the best from history in how to subjugate citizens to tyrannical rule. Will the sheeple never learn? I guess that’s the lesson I take away from this. My expectations of growing intelligence of the masses is probably ill-conceived.
I have hope too that people will come to their senses - but then I second guess that expectation and wonder if they had any sense in the first place when I see stories like this - and from supposed 'smart' people.
Medical dictatorship approaching full speed.. and most are oblivious to it..
Yep. Until they’re required to get some injection to get a surgery or medical intervention. Our healthcare has been compromised on so many levels.
Do Gaslights run on "green energy"? I sure hope so.
When I hit my limit of patience, waiting for things to get better, my angry subconscious, hungry for revenge, sees;
gaslights, lit by methane wafting from the decomposing corpses of the progressive-oppressive totalitarian globalists, strung up with piano wire, under those formally LED illuminated lamp posts.
Now it's time to go do something productive to repent for my mind's wishful thinking.
Imagine this sort of thinking + death panels - the mentally deranged (because they dare question the authorities) will be first served antipsychotics or some other chemical lobotomy and then progress to more fatal measures (because their lives are obviously not worth living).
Soviet darling sluggish schizophrenia is very much alive & kicking! Who would've thunk *that*?😲🙃
Same old toolbox... different generation.
Death panels exist here already. Every case in the hospital by a board of doctors. Life support is detached every day with recommendstions of these panels. No next of kin to fight for you and you die.
That is a health care system.
This is my rant for today in response to this video clip. My daughter who is a nurse believes this story to be garbage as in “not real.” I recognize the woman reporter from the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and believe her to be in sync with Rebel News branded as “far right” whom I subscribe to but the doctor in the clip is unknown to me. Question- with so much mis and disinformation on the Internet that literally spreads like wildfire and the ability to splice certain news clips together to completely present a false narrative how does one determine what is factual and true from what is false and merely fiction and or only partially true? Salty Cracker and Viva Frei always say you need to have the receipts before you post anything…
I have nothing to reply to my daughter to prove this is indeed the truth to her comment that she has never seen anyone prescribed antipsychotic medications to someone who isn’t ill. My daughter is a millennial and an RN so carries strong opinions re Covid, the vaccines, etc. which are contrary to my own but I never seem to have a valid defence she will respect. Just extremely frustrated as everything I do try to present to her gets knocked down as she considers all as “far right” sources she has no trust in nor respect for. She is indeed a true Liberal… I love her dearly hence my frustration that we always find ourselves on polar opposite sides since covid began on every issue and I am growing so weary of my kids and relatives believing me to be so stupid as to getting sucked into believing all of the “conspiracy theories…”
It is getting to the point where I am afraid to say anything in order to avoid the criticism I know is coming and instead just start to keep my thoughts to myself.
some very well written posts for the open minded:
2 very recent and interesting studies were published that might help loosen the armor around your daughter’s steadfast faith in all things vax. One appeared in the Lancet and clearly shows that natural immunity is superior to either vax at both preventing re-infection and probably severe events. The hilarious part of this is that if you read the summary of the data and then their interpretation of the data, their last statement still supports the vaccines as the best course of action EVEN THOUGH THEIR DATA SAYS OTHERWISE!!! There is no substantiation of their claim which tells me they were forced to put the statement in by the Lancet as a condition of publication.
The second appears in the journal Nature and shows that reinfection increases the risk of severe events and there is no distinction between vaxxed and natural immunity.
Combine these 2 studies with the risk of adverse reaction to the vax and I don’t see how anyone, particularly someone in the medical field could continue to blindly support vaccination at this point in time with all that we know about it. The first one should open the eyes to any “conspiracy deniers” as to the depths of corruption within the medical establishment to suppress the truth.
Thank you so very much for providing me with these two links which I intend to forward to my daughter. These she will accept as they are actual clinical studies. If you also would happen to have a link to a clinical study reporting honest vaers I would send her that too. I watch a Dr. Campbell on YouTube he resides in the north of England and has been blogging for 2 years on Covid and the vaccines. He began as very much in favour of the vaccines two years ago and now two years in he has completely changed sides based on all of the evidence he has seen and dissected for us as he only uses proper clinical studies from all over the world to gain his data. His latest one extolled the obvious and undeniable benefits of taking Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K personally to fight against osteoporosis as he is an older man. The clinical study he used I believe also came from the Dept of US Veterans Services and he was very satisfied with the large numbers of cohorts and those taking it as a supplement versus those not taking it in relation to having Covid, or having had had Covid. Something like 33% less chance of getting Covid with taking Vitamin D3 the study proved beyond a doubt !
He asked why the results of this study weren’t being shouted from the rooftops and then added Vitamim D 3 was proven safe and effective, had been available for many years, was inexpensive and easy to find… but of course there was no money to be made from promoting it hence crickets about this also very recent study that taking VitaminD3 can save lives with people having Covid and can also help protect your body from getting Covid! Anyone not living in a hot sunny climate year round will have Vitamin
D3 deficiency and in the US that number is a shocking 52%of the population I believe he said!! I intend for my husband and I to add Vitamin D3 and the Vitamin K as we’re older too to our lives save in the summer. We’ve had the two initial shots of Phyzer being largely persuaded by our same nurse daughter but we do not intend to get any more and now must wait out approximately the next 10 years according to Dr. Robert Malone for something dire to happen if it’s going to so 🤞and adding Vitamin D3 to our diets.
I will keep my eyes open for adverse reaction studies. This one is not hard as virtually nobody is denying the increased risk of heart issues (myo/pericarditis). My brother is a 30 year cardiologist and has been guiding me in terms of good/bad studies. He’s totally against the vaccines for the general population as he has seen the resulting increase in heart issues. His job has been threatened because it is virtually impossible to function as a doctor (particularly in specialized medicine) without the backing of the large healthcare organizations. As you so aptly point out, the only thing they care about is money. Quite often the recommend and approved methods of treatment are less about patient health and more about how much money it will bring in.
I will pray for your daughter’s eyes to be open but I warn you to not get your hopes up too soon. Keep sending her reasoned rational objections with good data and she will eventually be forced to see the error of her ways. My experience is that most people who support vaccination are so “invested” in their stance that they have to be handled as a long term project. Their initial resistance to anything that doesn’t support their views is very strong.
I wish you all the best for you, your husband and the rest of your family. It is only through support like this that we have any chance of reigning in the gross abuse of our families and the public at large.
Hi Sonya - for my part I'm being hyperbolic and satirical, but for good reason - the way these things usually work is that the powers that be propose a certain thing that pushes their agenda but is also outside our widow of what's acceptable (anyone with concerns about the vaccines are 'anxious' or even have some other mental disturbance). They then draw back (having planted a seed of an idea), then inch forward (maybe thrust some truely mentally disturbed individuals into the lime light who are opposing 'reasonable health mandates', highlighting the dangers of such mental conditions and what can be done. This inching forward, pushing the envelope, and retreating, and then forward again, is a classic propaganda technique to move the window of acceptability ever closer to the propagandist's ideal.
The satirical response is to jump right to the end game and amplify it so there is no doubt as to where it's heading. So the CPSO page on how to manage patients doesn't say that anyone in opposition to the vaccine is mentally ill and needs antipsychotics - of course not, it's way too early for that rhetoric - but they are heading down that direction. "other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options" is a soft way of saying something like "Look, everyone has to have these vaccines, if they don't want it that's a concern and medication (psychiatry) and psychotherapy should be considered."
Keep creeping this line of reasoning and where does it end up?
The Jews in 1930s Germany, to use a much cited example over these past few years, went from respectable business owners, artists, and teachers, to vermin that needed to be exterminated lest they infect and destroy the world.
"she has never seen anyone prescribed antipsychotic medications to someone who isn’t ill." I would hope that is the case - but we are moving into new territory now. Say a psychiatrist prescribes an antipsychotic to someone who is "ill" (what's the definition of "ill", could it be "an exaggerated anxiety of receiving vaccines, so much so that it prevents the person from receiving 'life-saving' medicine"?) - is the nurse going to question the psychiatrist or is she going to see that patient as ill also?
I've been privy to a psychiatrists decisions to medicate someone based on very flimsy evidence of psychosis- The GP went along with it, because you don't question a psychiatrist (apparently). After a year of misdiagnosis, and the massive weight gain from the antipsychotic, the patient got a new GP and a second opinion and was found not to be psychotic but there was a completely different condition that was successfully treated by a different team of health professionals who knew what they were doing.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest comes to mind.
Yes I know we are entering unchartered territory as everything that was is no longer and I totally agree psychiatrists are not always right either. My daughter has a great insight into poor mental health suffering herself from depression and newly diagnosed ADHD but without proof she doesn’t believe much of what I have tried to warn her of. I will be forwarding her two clinical studies sent to me by a kind person on your blog re Covid and the vaccines to hopefully turn on a light. She just can’t seem to fathom what all we are up against and yet she is an intelligent and smart person whom I highly respect. She isn’t able to comprehend the utter corruption we face in every aspect of our lives cause she’s just too INNOCENT to be able to comprehend it I think so she defies it instead. Thanks for your support!
All the best with your daughter Sonya.
I've been in dialogue with some rather high level mental health professionals, sending them papers, charts, etc, over the past year or so, but they see it all as propaganda and stick with their set of ideas. It's so difficult to determine if they have been so brainwashed that they just can't see an alternative perspective, can't see some obvious discrepancies (i.e. the vaccines are perfectly safe but within that definition of safe is a whole lot of injury and death), or because of some sort of 'sunk cost bias' are sticking to the narrative even thought they suspect they may have been wrong. Maybe it's pride, maybe it's career preservation, maybe it's loyalty to a political position over and above reality - maybe a combination of all of those things.
What I do know, is there are nurses who have worked in the same ICUs and emergency departments who see a very different picture than the narrative supportive ones. I know first hand because I've spoken to some.
A person's reality can be very divergent from one person to another!
Thank you so much but alas it is now my son who has gone to a very dark place and we’re praying our family’s love and support can pull him through… two of my three kids suffer from deep long term depression only our middle child escaped unscathed. The suicide rates along with the horrific vaccine deaths are what the globalists wanted, world depopulation, the slaughter of our babies is so inhumane it is inconceivable to me..A new movie just released today by Stu Peters on Rumble called “Died Suddenly” you must watch and share share share. The suicide rates went sky high through Covid mandates and lockdowns but they remain high because what a shitty world it is now for young people!
I couldn’t agree more with your last statement! We may all be humans but that’s all the similarities we share and since covid and all of the hatred that spewed out along with the prejudice and bias that spread like wildfire against all of the unvaccinated people of this world, despite mandates being dropped things just don’t feel like they did before. How is it that formerly nice intelligent people turned into evil reincarnated with a vengeance and a hatred towards their fellow man that I have never experienced in my lifetime? My daughter is smart, intelligent, and has a big heart full of compassion hence wanting a career that helped people in some way, so I think something will get through, I don’t know what it will be but something will eventually penetrate her world to open her eyes to the corruption of our medical institutions and reveal to her the truths behind covid and behind the vaccines the injuries of which are growing daily and just can’t be stifled forever!
Sorry to hear about your son and his depression. He's fortunate to have a praying mum!
I've just watched "Died Suddenly" - good summary of some of the issues, I hope it will touch many.
Lot's of very obvious evidence coming out now - MSM can only veil so much of reality.
AFAIC people still willing to allow themselves be guinea pigs in a mass gene therapy experiment using untested frankenstein technology which are now known to cause serious, detrimental heart defects (myo/pericarditis) are the ones that need their heads examined.
I think the reference is to this page on the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) site:
To quote the relevant section of the 100% pro-vaxxx "FAQ":
It is also important that physicians work with their patients to manage anxieties related to the vaccine and not enable avoidance behaviour. For example, for extreme fear of needles (trypanophobia) or other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options. Overall, physicians have a responsibility to allow their patients to be properly informed about vaccines and not have those anxieties empowered by an exemption.
Minorities are always handled in the same manner... No matter the millennia degenerate uman animals exist in.
Thank you! He’s being held for 24 hours and is waiting to be assessed by a psychiatrist at the hospital so he is at least safe for now and in the best possible place for getting help…
My daughter called 911 and left her shift at her hospital to come to his rescue Thank God!
Exactly! With more and more damages and evidence coming out from vaccine injuries the MSM can only contain so much, and once it becomes too big too much and the floodgates open they won’t be able to continue suppressing it.