Nov 19, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

The choice is clear, lock these WEF collaborators up (or something) before they do likewise to you.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

I think I agree with the Goon Show announcer Wallace Greenslade who would often end episodes with the line, "It's all in the mind, you know".

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People can disagree with Thomas Szasz all they want, but he saw things more clearly than anyone else. Especially in his criticism of Freud's thought. The Therapeutic State is the worst possible form of mandatory religion.

Also, Szasz wrote that Freud couldn't stand that he was fooled by his female patients about the sexual abuse stories. Therefore, Szasz is also criticizing the views of the Marxists who took Freud's work to mean that the whole history of humanity is about parents, mostly the fathers, sexually abusing daughters, and the subsequent institutionalization of the abuse following symbolic rules in the Capitalist State.

But there are other critics of Freud's theories that accept the truth of the systematic sexual abuse but deny the validity of psychoanalysis to help the victims. No binary thinking in any of this.

I don't know if the early clients of Doctor Freud were telling the truth or not, but psychoanalysis does not perform well, and the alternative, the CBT, also is a failure. This stupid blend of shallow stoicism and materialistic pseudoscience does a disservice to people with real psychological trauma, which always comes back. I don't want to jinx anyone who may read this comment, but we cannot just put several layers of paint over the reality that physicalism is wrong so that CBT "works": there is something else, and you better take care of it or the politicians will turn you into another zombie.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

Taking only the best from history in how to subjugate citizens to tyrannical rule. Will the sheeple never learn? I guess that’s the lesson I take away from this. My expectations of growing intelligence of the masses is probably ill-conceived.

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Medical dictatorship approaching full speed.. and most are oblivious to it..

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Do Gaslights run on "green energy"? I sure hope so.

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Imagine this sort of thinking + death panels - the mentally deranged (because they dare question the authorities) will be first served antipsychotics or some other chemical lobotomy and then progress to more fatal measures (because their lives are obviously not worth living).

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

This is my rant for today in response to this video clip. My daughter who is a nurse believes this story to be garbage as in “not real.” I recognize the woman reporter from the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and believe her to be in sync with Rebel News branded as “far right” whom I subscribe to but the doctor in the clip is unknown to me. Question- with so much mis and disinformation on the Internet that literally spreads like wildfire and the ability to splice certain news clips together to completely present a false narrative how does one determine what is factual and true from what is false and merely fiction and or only partially true? Salty Cracker and Viva Frei always say you need to have the receipts before you post anything…

I have nothing to reply to my daughter to prove this is indeed the truth to her comment that she has never seen anyone prescribed antipsychotic medications to someone who isn’t ill. My daughter is a millennial and an RN so carries strong opinions re Covid, the vaccines, etc. which are contrary to my own but I never seem to have a valid defence she will respect. Just extremely frustrated as everything I do try to present to her gets knocked down as she considers all as “far right” sources she has no trust in nor respect for. She is indeed a true Liberal… I love her dearly hence my frustration that we always find ourselves on polar opposite sides since covid began on every issue and I am growing so weary of my kids and relatives believing me to be so stupid as to getting sucked into believing all of the “conspiracy theories…”

It is getting to the point where I am afraid to say anything in order to avoid the criticism I know is coming and instead just start to keep my thoughts to myself.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

AFAIC people still willing to allow themselves be guinea pigs in a mass gene therapy experiment using untested frankenstein technology which are now known to cause serious, detrimental heart defects (myo/pericarditis) are the ones that need their heads examined.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

I think the reference is to this page on the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) site:


To quote the relevant section of the 100% pro-vaxxx "FAQ":

It is also important that physicians work with their patients to manage anxieties related to the vaccine and not enable avoidance behaviour. For example, for extreme fear of needles (trypanophobia) or other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options. Overall, physicians have a responsibility to allow their patients to be properly informed about vaccines and not have those anxieties empowered by an exemption.

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Minorities are always handled in the same manner... No matter the millennia degenerate uman animals exist in.

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Thank you! He’s being held for 24 hours and is waiting to be assessed by a psychiatrist at the hospital so he is at least safe for now and in the best possible place for getting help…

My daughter called 911 and left her shift at her hospital to come to his rescue Thank God!

Exactly! With more and more damages and evidence coming out from vaccine injuries the MSM can only contain so much, and once it becomes too big too much and the floodgates open they won’t be able to continue suppressing it.

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