Pathocracy today
Pathocracy1 is born from parasitizing great social movements, then becoming a disease of entire societies, nations and empires. In the course of human history, it has affected social, political, and religious movements, distorting the accompanying ideologies, characteristic for the time and ethnological conditions, and turning them into caricatures of themselves. This occurs as a result of the activities of similar etiological factors in this phenomenon, namely the participation of pathological factors in a pathodynamically similar process. That explains why all the pathocracies of the world are and have been so similar in their essential properties. Contemporaneous ones easily find a common language, even if the ideologies nourishing them and protecting their pathological contents from identification differ widely. (Łobaczewski, 2022, p. 202)
In a global hysterical crisis2 situation, bold visions of salvation can both inspire people to action and at the same time deprive them of common sense. The end does not always justify the means, but radical action and hysteria whipped up by well executed propaganda and psych ops, can blind people to the most obvious harms, rob them of their usual morality, and implicate them in the most terrible crimes. Great ideologies are the most dangerous to small minds and the most advantageous to the psychopaths lurking in the bureaucracy. Ultimately it’s a crisis of upheaval that destroys the old order and ushers in the new.
The ideology driving the COVID management may have a veneer of social responsibility but its substance was void of moral criteria as it was always a power grab (politically and commercially). Nevertheless, in a state of panic, many minds were quickly indoctrinated to become servants of the ideology of safety at any cost. The culture at large transforms, can no longer evaluate the original motivation - like limiting death, pain and suffering - and rather becomes the handmaiden to a pathocratic system that perpetuates that very same death, pain and suffering. For the critical thinker and the simply observant it looks like a clown show, but it is anything but funny, with deeply evil undercurrents. The ideology that starts a movement (the safety movement, the culture wars, etc) only lasts for as long as it needs to gain the required momentum. When the crisis comes, the psychopaths rise to the top, the once reasonable ideology morphs into whatever utility is required to expand the pathocracy3.
Out of the crisis language is distorted, doublespeak arises and thought crime becomes a national security issue. A ‘pandemic’ becomes a mild local outbreak, experimental gene therapy becomes a vaccine, ‘truths’ are lies and lies are ‘truth’, a man can be a woman but no one can define a woman. Any criticism of State sanctioned medical intervention and you are an ‘anti-vaxxer’, ‘selfish’ or are ‘killing grandma’. If you threaten the pathocratic rule you are seen as deeply immoral and will be paraded as such.
Whenever a nation experiences a “system crisis” or a hyperactivity of ponerogenic processes within, it becomes the object of pathocratic penetration whose purpose is to serve up the country as booty. It will then become easy to take advantage of its internal weaknesses and revolutionary movements in order to impose rule on the basis of a limited use of force. This will be an artificially infected pathocracy, which bears characteristics that are a fusion of both secondary and primary4 ponerogenic associations. (Łobaczewski, 2022, p. 218-219)
We’ve seen something unique in this regard, on a global level, whereby an engineered ‘crisis’ and the hyperactivity of ponerogenic processes has penetrated all levels of government and the private sector. The world has become booty. Internal weaknesses across the board are taken advantage of as have the ‘revolutionary’ movements that have been harnessed to propagandise the masses. And all this to impose a new rule of law thought a limited use of force5, in a fusion of elites, government, the private sector, and the every-day-pro-vax good citizen ready to dob in the neighbours for the slightest hint of vaccine hesitancy.
In classic enforced pathocracy those who pose the greatest risk are crushed or exterminated - military leaders for example, or moral and legal leaders who oppose the new order. Today it’s the doctors and scientists who can see through the propaganda who are the most dangerous to the new regime and who are being systematically crushed, mostly by being cancelled and shut-down socially but some suddenly dying. Those who hold to the natural rights of a human being, of a nation, of a parent, are being criminalised under pathological ideals adopted by the controlling entities.
Decent people and patriots just yesterday, they now espouse the new ideology and behave contemptuously to anyone still adhering to the old values, faith in God, or patriotism. (Łobaczewski, 2022, p. 220)
Once ripe, enforced pathocracy of this current technocratically driven medical/safety authoritarianism will impose its pathological mechanisms to every inch of society. Like a paranoid schizophrenic our world will be a continual experience of emergencies (primarily weather, medical, and terrorism) to which we must react in obedience to top-down ‘safety and care’ measures that constrict life and liberty out of every individual. You are weak, vulnerable, and the sun/rain/plague/terrorist is at the door and can kill you in an instant6, is actively pursuing you to kill you, and your only salvation is in obedience to those who know what to do. Individualism will be a crime agains society. Complete mass obedience will be the ultimate virtue. Meanwhile the psychopaths at the top with their multi-billion dollar multinationals reap the worlds riches with a blood-soaked sickle.
OK so I’ve not followed the detailed and very formulaic pattern of pathocratic development described by Łobaczewski. I’ve picked bits and pieces, partly because our current situation is similar in some respects to nations of the past falling under totalitarian rule but also different in many ways because we are talking about a global phenomenon. Like any complex system a simple model will not do, and I see a thousand future history books analysing the first half of the 21st century from a myriad perspectives. What I think is more simplistic and self-evident, however, is that a society shaped by insanity cannot last and it naturally forces parallel societies of those who have chosen not to partake in the insanity. Because of technology and its capacity to accelerate things, it’s likely the insanity (the control, the paranoia, the objectification of everything, the departure from the real and embracing of the virtual, the departure from faith, the constant fear, chaos, and stupidity) will not last as long as it may have in the past. The same technology that can enslave us is also providing more opportunity for parallel societies to become organised and connect, and unless the internet is taken down completely (which the technocrats will not let happen because it’s the conduit for their commerce) will help us forge stronger bonds, hope, and the seed for the counter-revolution back to sanity.
Łobaczewski, A. M. (2022). Political Ponerology: The science of evil, psychopathy, and the origins of totalitarianism. Otto, NC: Red Pill Press
Pathocracy: A macrosocial disease of mass social movements and ideologies (whether social, political, or religious) which infects entire societies, nations, and empires. Pathocracy is the result of ponerized (evil) secondary ponerogenic unions (ordinary people and their movements inspired by primary ponerogenic unions which are basically psychopaths getting together in an attempt to rule the world) which achieve political domination either through revolution from below or from above. Pathocracy can also come about through foreign influence, either imposed by force or through artificial infection (psychological warfare, subversion, infiltration). Pathocracy is a pathological inversion of a normal social hierarchy, in which social outcasts, criminals, and other psychological deviants rise to the top.
The crisis stage of a hysteroidal cycle. The hysteroidal cycle describes a society’s hysterical condition (consisting of individual cases and mass social hysteria) rises and falls, with an average period of around two centuries (however Peter Turchin’s structural-demographic theory has longer cycles of 200-300 years, but similar stages). The peak of mass hystericization may be followed by a crisis such as societal collapse, war revolution, and/or pathocracy. In the hysteroidal state before and during a societal crisis, radical ideologies take hold, especially among young people, intellectuals, and other “bourgeois elites”. Symptoms of this state include: habitually ignoring actual problems and their real causes, focusing on pseudo-problems and convenient but ineffective solutions, the inability to reason and judge evidence soundly, silencing sound criticism and amplifying radical voices, giving overly charitable interpretations to trendy but unscientific ideas. In these conditions, it is very easy for overly simplistic, unscientific, illogical, and totalitarian ideologies to gain adherents. Such ideologies tend to identify the source of society’s problem within some group category, whether based on religion, class, or race, e.g., the unvaxxed (in the case of COVID), climate change deniers (in the case of ‘climate change’), or “whiteness” (in the case of critical race theory).
Thus the obvious disconnect between keeping people safe from a virus and digital passports, digital currency, excessive monitoring of every aspect of your life by the government. Even with the evidence now at hand about the ineffectiveness of masks, lockdowns, and the jabs, there’s still a message from authorities that these things are good for us - because their utility is not about health but about control.
Once again the primary ponerogenic associations are the bad guys (criminals, mafias, cartels, cabals, the Fauci/Gates/Schwab types) working in tandem and the secondary association is the ‘ordinary’ bureaucrats, unions, and organisations that go along with the crazies and their propaganda.
well in most places bar Melbourne, Germany/Austria, parts of Canada, and who know what goes on in China.
oh and cows. Yes cows are going to kill us too apparently. But don’t worry, Bill Gates is not only going to blot out the sun so we don’t shrivel to a crisp but he’s going to supply the world with synthetic meat so we don’t have to have those pesky farting cows around the place causing severe weather events. Of course Bill will control the food, but that’s because he’s the expert who knows how to save us and you are not! Relax, what could go wrong?
Pathocracy: How have I lived without this term all these years?!
Brilliant article,and I loved at the end,you talked of the "evil farting cows".