Imagine, if you will, a hundred years ago, reading stories of today's world, of ubiquitous government agencies and bureaus, in every nook and cranny of society, following, watching, dictating, regulating and making decisions about personal health, wealth and associations.
It most certainly would have been in the science fiction section. It most certainly would have been thought of as too absurd to believe it could ever become reality.
If anything positive is to come of this era, let it be the awakening that we have given (some could easily argue taken) away our liberties for the convenience, the facade of authority and the perceived irreproachable freedom for government to decide our fates.
Let this be the time when people stand up, say no and bring this hydra of corruption to heal.
Is this a call for raising taxes, to create a more independent regulator? In Australia, this would raise taxes by ~10 AU$ per person (much more if they were to run the clinical trials). In the USA, that would be ~12USD.
Do you think that having those who wish to obtain approval, paying for that right, compromises the system?
I'm just asking you a question. Your post (or is it actually yours?) raised a number of questions, but your response gives me the feeling that you don't appreciate people asking questions.
You probably know that the FAA "Office of Accident Investigation and Prevention", comprises 81 people and has a budget of <50M$.
The rot is everywhere.
Indeed you are correct!!!!!
Another good one, Winston. Will be linking tomorrow @
Love it... "Winston, tell them... tell them all... I'm going to kill them all."
I'll leave that to Jonathan Wick!
If they take away everything we will all become John Wicks!
Imagine, if you will, a hundred years ago, reading stories of today's world, of ubiquitous government agencies and bureaus, in every nook and cranny of society, following, watching, dictating, regulating and making decisions about personal health, wealth and associations.
It most certainly would have been in the science fiction section. It most certainly would have been thought of as too absurd to believe it could ever become reality.
If anything positive is to come of this era, let it be the awakening that we have given (some could easily argue taken) away our liberties for the convenience, the facade of authority and the perceived irreproachable freedom for government to decide our fates.
Let this be the time when people stand up, say no and bring this hydra of corruption to heal.
Is this a call for raising taxes, to create a more independent regulator? In Australia, this would raise taxes by ~10 AU$ per person (much more if they were to run the clinical trials). In the USA, that would be ~12USD.
Do you think that having those who wish to obtain approval, paying for that right, compromises the system?
Ah the omniscient David comments again. Whatever YOU think David ;-)
I'm just asking you a question. Your post (or is it actually yours?) raised a number of questions, but your response gives me the feeling that you don't appreciate people asking questions.
I'm sorry if I misunderstood.