Wow! WTF? That ad was pathetic. Even sadder that the "santas" have suffered. Nice treatment of one of them.

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Is this a joke?

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The UK ad is no joke - my satirical news report is... sort of.

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We gotta have a laugh in this now becoming backward's world.

A new fan and will share. Thank you

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Sometimes when I laugh, it makes me feel like we're winning. Thanks for this morning's victory lap, lol.

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Despicable. Insidious propaganda specifically targeted at children. This is what evil looks like: Cute music, a soothing voice wrapped up in the safe familiar feelings of Christmas, showing grandfatherly adults allowing themselves to be injected with what we now know to be poison. So that Pharma profits can continue unabated.

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Honestly could they sink any lower than this advertisement specifically aimed at children?

How sick is this? Can you believe the depths of their depravity knowing what we now know that children are 0.0001 percent or something similar to that smidgen of a statiiistic likely to die from getting covid?

On the other hand I was thinking about when covid first hit the shores of the USA during Trump’s presidency and of how much they hated and despised him, to the degree that they would willfully see their own country’s economy tank which was doing pretty well under Trump as well as see their own citizen’s prosperity flattened so I guess we shouldn’t be surprised to the depths they will sink but this is aimed directly towards our most innocent and defenceless children which makes it unconscionable! The Oxfordshire (sorry if I spelled it incorrectly cause it doesn’t look right) brand new climate mandate penalizing their residents for leaving their district more than the said times they decree acceptable is also shocking.

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Did you see this? https://expose-news.com/2022/12/09/oxford-county-council-claims-victimhood/

The poor council are claiming they are victims now 🙄

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Already linked the video and article from the Lioness of Judah but will be linking your great aftermath follow-up as well @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

If they had really used real vaccines you probably would be spot on!!!!

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Hey, anyone with video-clipping skills here? I find Santa’s ho-ho-ho at 17–19 s quite snarky! 😇Y’know, the one that follows his finger on ‘Get Boosted!’

Pulled out of context, it could potentially be contra-memeified into hilarious gif 🤔

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No I hadn’t seen it.. of course the WEF approves of the 15 minute city!!! I hate that the future looks like the sci fi movies we used to watch… complete with the “mad scientists!” Progress is not on the side of humanity that much is clear hey?

Glad this got out tho so the residents could let their reactions be known that NO we don’t like this CCP style of dictatorship against our democracratic right of freedom of movement nor the constant surveillance !

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Indoctrination of Children IMO

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