"Anti-vaxxers are dangerous monstrosities who’s reasons are completely incomprehensible (literally) and not even part of the ‘normal’ community." As the immigration minister down under just said of the Serbian Super Spreader who threatens "good order". They're coming out and admitting all this now in plain language and the people are still nodding their heads in agreement completely incapable of taking the whole thing apart, they are fixated only on what the government points them towards.

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Exactly! (great piece you've just posted about this Serbian fellow by the way) and all the more it seems like psychopathology rather than a well coordinated conspiracy (although I'm sure there's elements of that as well).

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Thank you, Winston. This I relate to so well... "too much information coming at me, vying for my attention, without any sense of hierarchy of importance, is both stressful and energy consuming. I am self-aware enough to know I play the major role in allowing this data flood to continually engage my curiosity and the compelling need to know more data points. So it’s not as if I’m just a passive victim of the ‘system’, but rather my left hemisphere dives headlong into the fray – for that is what the system caters to so very well."

I believe that's an intentional ploy, considering the time and money gone into messaging and behavioural modification, 'nudge' units, et al. Part and parcel of mass confusion and atrophy of the intellect.

As you so astutely observe, doctors are susceptible just as any other person. Doctors are not inviolable 'medicine men', they are human like the rest of us, particularly well paid and given a collective status of authority. Their willingness and tactical subversion is of prime importance to the architects, shall we say.

We live in a hypnotised world of vastly different realities. Doctors and nurses who agree with the official narrative have, I believe, no cognitive idea of the implications and deadly effects of their actions. Neither the mothers who unwittingly kill their own children only to announce their next booster.

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Indeed we are in a hypnotised world! One mother we know basically said she would make sure all her children are vaccinated even if it kills them.

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Captured minds. This is truly Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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Now imagine a patient who has learned to use that process of decontruction as a conscious tool for understanding reality, especially social interaction.

I used to work as a teacher, among other things with young adult autistics without cognitive impairment. Their biggest frustration was their ability to understand the world mechanistically but not being able to explain and make sense of it to normal people.

To my laymans mind that is where a lot of todays problems are: society is viewed with the modernist and futurist view. A machine, the ever smoother operation of which, its own purpose.

Rather than society (with which I mean administration and bureaucracy, not race or culture or creed) existing as a necessity for co-existance in and as unnaturally large groups of humans - we humans exist to enable that very administration and bureaucracy.

On the other hand, evolution is the very strictest of techers and lets no-one retake a course once failed so any problems with western societies will be solved before the next century. Demography is destiny, and a race or a culture which hampers reproduction and stops seeking to physically dominate others is doomed. And I think we can change this about as much as western Rome could be saved in the year 400AD.

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I agree with your analysis of todays modernist society. I'm not sure about evolution saving us from such stupidity - in my reading of history this has been going on in cycles for thousands of years and we have yet to 'evolve' above it.

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