…and the doctors are still claiming they don’t know what is happening. Somewhere I read 900 elite athletes from around the world have suddenly died in the last 18 months or so - and that’s just the newsworthy ones.
“Non-Binary” Assistant Professor Calls For ‘Stigma’ of Pedophilia to be ‘Delegitimized’
A far-left associate professor at Old Dominion University has called for the public to begin accepting pedophilia and ban the stigmatisation of child rapists.
The Prostasia Foundation, a registered 503c which has called for child-like sex dolls to be legalized for pedophiles attracted to children, posted an interview with Allyn Walker, a transgender, who outlined her views on “minor attraction.”
Walker, an assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, is the author of a book called ‘A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity’.
In the interview, Walker insists that the term “minor attracted people” should be used in preference to ‘pedophile’ because pedophiles’ feelings might be hurt otherwise.
Trans Scots killer now identifying as infant demands nappies and baby food in jail
(Not satire, sadly)
Sophie Eastwood, formerly Daniel, is demanding nappies to wear and food to be blended like a baby's and has already been supplied with a dummy at Polmont prison.
A murderer who changed gender is demanding to be treated as a baby by prison staff.
Sophie Eastwood was formerly known as Daniel and was jailed for life in 2004 for strangling a cell-mate with shoelaces.
The killer has now told the prison governor at Polmont jail that she wants to identify as a baby, wear nappies and have meals blended like baby food.
Eastwood has also demanded that prison officers hold her hand when she is escorted from her cell.
It is understood that prison bosses are treating the demands seriously and considering which protocols might be established in dealing with the prisoner.
I should probably give our readers a moment to double-check and ensure that you didn’t inadvertently wander into an article from the Babylon Bee or The Onion. But the title of the article stands as is and it’s legitimate. German energy company RWE operates several different types of power generation operations in the state of North-Rhine Westphalia. At one location, they have a large lignite coal mine and a wind turbine farm located side by side. (A rather startling juxtaposition given the divisive nature of the ongoing green energy debate.) But some changes are coming, and not the sort that green energy enthusiasts are cheering about. RWE has begun taking down some of its wind turbines to make room to further expand the coal mine. A spokesperson for the company said that they realize that this development may be seen as “paradoxical.”
Flemish Conservative Party Demands the Government Cancels its World Economic Forum Membership
The Flemish government legitimizes and subsidizes a worldwide lobby organization openly pursuing globalism, states MEP Sam van Rooy.
The Flemish conservative party, Vlaams Belang, is demanding that the government cancel its World Economic Forum (WEF) membership. This year, the Flemish government will pay almost EUR 200,000 in membership fees to the WEF and approximately EUR 27,000 as a participation fee in their annual meeting in Davos.
In a press release by Vlaams Belang, Flemish Member of Parliament Sam van Rooy stated that the Flemish government is legitimizing and subsidizing a worldwide lobby organization that is openly pursuing a well-defined ideological agenda, namely that of globalism.”
This agenda seems to have recently crystallized into the so-called “Great Reset,” which aims to create “a safer, more equal and more stable world” by “acting collectively and swiftly to renew all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.” They are striving for a world government based on climate hysteria and social control.
Escaping Mass Psychosis is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Paid subscribers sleep better, think clearer, and overall have a better quality of life than non-paying subscribers - The Science is clear on this.
Could we ask our state and local governments to withdraw from the WEF membership and renounce its goals? I wonder if I have the guts to get it on our town committee for voting.
Windfall tax...very good. Only one element of the quoted speech actually seemed vaguely incredible citizen Smith. Twice twas said "The war in Ukraine..." but natch that should be "Putin's barbarous war in Ukraine".
Have you noticed the correlation of the creation of new taxes and the rise in cases of sexual violence?
It's as if the more money the government collects, the more money sexual criminals receive. I'm sure the economists will explain why this is ackssshually good for everyone. I don't understand it because I have a strong prejudice against violence and theft, like all the uneducated extremists of the internet. It's all ignorance, you see.
OK so tried to sneak in my satirical piece in this canvasing of news, but no comments! No adoration, or satirical responses! What's happened to my devoted fans? I guess you are all watching the mid-term election, but that's so depressing (as it turns out), so jump across to my satirical piece and have a laugh while re-energizing your passionate disgust for the ruling elite ;-)
so apparently we just had an election where the country basically said inflation is fine, peri and myocarditis are fine, mutilating, debilitating, sterilizing and sexualizing kids is a-ok and I guess it's ok to talk about sex with kids (instead of kick the shit out of the paedos), woke censorship is good for the country, covid authoritarianism is no big deal and trans ideology is bouyah. Oh and if there is a nuclear war with Russia that is the price of freedom. And racism and fascism means we need to sic the FBi on anybody MAGA and adjacent (white working class).
Self evidently, yes. But then, if the Republican party can't win big against woke, trans and covid authoritarianism, then they are worse than pathetic and no match for the madness of the left and the globalists.
Someone commented on a different stack that it is now the ballots that matter most. Votes and voters count for nothing…literally. They’ve figured out how to rig the system so supply will meet demand for endless “winning”.
In and of itself that’s really depressing. But I do believe in the all the swirling madness that abounds right now, we shall eventually have the last laugh. You can’t create endless chaos and expect to emerge unscathed. Something will happen that will begin the downfall of all these evil ones, and they will get caught in the snare of their own making. Praying it comes sooner rather than later for all our sakes, but no guarantees.
Yes I've seen some of the video where people couldn't vote Republican because the machines were broken, or people manning the polls trying to convince others to vote Democrat or the ABC telling people not to worry if it seems like the red is winning, but to wait for the postal votes which will show a swing back to blue.
After 2020, and after the film 1000 Mules, you'd think the right side of politics would have done something about the system, but seemingly not. For a country that is supposed to be the most technically advanced, this is a very poor execution of what should be a straight forward process.
That means that all the RINO's have to go, included Ronna McDaniel (whatshisnames niece...Romney (Bain & Co).
Shows you we need a new party. Always thought we could infiltrate and get rid of the RINP's, but no, we can't. McConnel and McCarty have to go. THIS JANUARY.
ANYONE CAN RUN FOR SPEAKER of the HOUSE. You don't have to be elected to the house. You can run from outside.
TRUMP, listen to us. Apologize to DiSantis, Forget your Presidential announcement. Line DiSantis up to be your running mate with full control over hires, and RUN FOR SPEAKER.
More like this, please. I have been following you for a while but with what has been happening, I must admit I have a hard time getting through your essays—notwithstanding the brilliance there—but wanting “more info” to keep up with what is happening, regionally, legislatively, globally, socially, medically, etc.
Hearing you Al. I'll do more 'news roundups' with things that I think are important, interesting, maybe not seen by the majority.
The essays take a bit of time and thought, I do wonder how much value I'm adding or if I should just go with news, commentary and the odd piece of satire.
I don't know if many would actually remember the details of my series on The Master And His Emissary.
No no-- longer pieces, demanding that vanishing capacity of attention, discrimination, and golly-- thought-- are GOOD. Some of each approach, perhaps, for those who have forgotten how to think about the words they're reading on the page/screen. Or "don't have the time." It's a matter of the choice to expand the mind.... or just look at memes. Both are fun, both are necessary.
Oh, and here's some adoration: J'adore your posts!
I second that! I really like longer pieces you do (and a numbers of others here on substack as well), that cause me to flex my brain and think thoughts that exist above the sturm and drang of everyday life and put me in the deep end of the pool.
I do like news briefs as much as the next gal, but we can look all around and see how only shallow thinking (if thoughts there be) has greatly harmed humanity. I’m sure you’ll find the right balance for yourself and your readers. Keep up the great work!
“Non-Binary” Assistant Professor Calls For ‘Stigma’ of Pedophilia to be ‘Delegitimized’. Well come forward you child didling bastards, show us who you are so we can deal with you mongrols. I'd have to stock up on my tar and feathers though.
Thanks for linking the Australia video, Hadn't seen that one. Will be linking it today with a nod to you @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
Could we ask our state and local governments to withdraw from the WEF membership and renounce its goals? I wonder if I have the guts to get it on our town committee for voting.
From the ground up??
Windfall tax...very good. Only one element of the quoted speech actually seemed vaguely incredible citizen Smith. Twice twas said "The war in Ukraine..." but natch that should be "Putin's barbarous war in Ukraine".
The original speech could have held up as satire on it's own - but that's the nature of the world today.
Don't let the war in Ukraine distract you from the changing weather!
Have you noticed the correlation of the creation of new taxes and the rise in cases of sexual violence?
It's as if the more money the government collects, the more money sexual criminals receive. I'm sure the economists will explain why this is ackssshually good for everyone. I don't understand it because I have a strong prejudice against violence and theft, like all the uneducated extremists of the internet. It's all ignorance, you see.
Everything is on the rise it seems - rising taxes, rising inflation, rising sickness and death, rising idiocy...
Roger Waters would have been better to stay on the dark side of the moon I think.
Nah, blame misdirection alert: It’s all Creedence’s fault, they came first w/ bad moon stuff 😝
OK so tried to sneak in my satirical piece in this canvasing of news, but no comments! No adoration, or satirical responses! What's happened to my devoted fans? I guess you are all watching the mid-term election, but that's so depressing (as it turns out), so jump across to my satirical piece and have a laugh while re-energizing your passionate disgust for the ruling elite ;-)
🗨 [Dashed] dreams are made of this; who am I to disagree? [...Yet] hold your head up, keep your head up, movin' on...
...and something will turn up, it always does 😊
Hmmm... so this is dream making is it? Field of Dreams - "Satirise it and they will come"
Head held high!
Add the belief for a richer blend 😉
🗨 You need to believe in things that aren't true. How else can they become? ~~Terry Pratchett, Hogfather
PS No adoration of my lovely mix Ms Lennox + Mr Micawber above? 😳
Sorry, yes lovely mix, you truly are an incredible texting DJ - can't get the Eurythmics out of my head now!
Glad to be of service 😇 That’s how the common culture framework works: sure you couldn’t have not noticed 😂
so apparently we just had an election where the country basically said inflation is fine, peri and myocarditis are fine, mutilating, debilitating, sterilizing and sexualizing kids is a-ok and I guess it's ok to talk about sex with kids (instead of kick the shit out of the paedos), woke censorship is good for the country, covid authoritarianism is no big deal and trans ideology is bouyah. Oh and if there is a nuclear war with Russia that is the price of freedom. And racism and fascism means we need to sic the FBi on anybody MAGA and adjacent (white working class).
So, fuck.
It's unbelievable - Can the majority of Americans be so self-harming??
Self evidently, yes. But then, if the Republican party can't win big against woke, trans and covid authoritarianism, then they are worse than pathetic and no match for the madness of the left and the globalists.
Its the machines...and the people running them.
It is not the people. They voted red...when they could.
But it is the counting of /manufacturing of votes that count.
We didn't fix 2020. See what you get?
Someone commented on a different stack that it is now the ballots that matter most. Votes and voters count for nothing…literally. They’ve figured out how to rig the system so supply will meet demand for endless “winning”.
In and of itself that’s really depressing. But I do believe in the all the swirling madness that abounds right now, we shall eventually have the last laugh. You can’t create endless chaos and expect to emerge unscathed. Something will happen that will begin the downfall of all these evil ones, and they will get caught in the snare of their own making. Praying it comes sooner rather than later for all our sakes, but no guarantees.
Praying you are right. Praying this happens.
Yes I've seen some of the video where people couldn't vote Republican because the machines were broken, or people manning the polls trying to convince others to vote Democrat or the ABC telling people not to worry if it seems like the red is winning, but to wait for the postal votes which will show a swing back to blue.
After 2020, and after the film 1000 Mules, you'd think the right side of politics would have done something about the system, but seemingly not. For a country that is supposed to be the most technically advanced, this is a very poor execution of what should be a straight forward process.
That means that all the RINO's have to go, included Ronna McDaniel (whatshisnames niece...Romney (Bain & Co).
Shows you we need a new party. Always thought we could infiltrate and get rid of the RINP's, but no, we can't. McConnel and McCarty have to go. THIS JANUARY.
ANYONE CAN RUN FOR SPEAKER of the HOUSE. You don't have to be elected to the house. You can run from outside.
TRUMP, listen to us. Apologize to DiSantis, Forget your Presidential announcement. Line DiSantis up to be your running mate with full control over hires, and RUN FOR SPEAKER.
If Trump doesn't do this, we are all toast.
Anyone know how to get him to listen?
We didn't fix 2008 and the Great Recession, and this bubble is infinitely worse 20-22 and all that transpired...
More like this, please. I have been following you for a while but with what has been happening, I must admit I have a hard time getting through your essays—notwithstanding the brilliance there—but wanting “more info” to keep up with what is happening, regionally, legislatively, globally, socially, medically, etc.
Hearing you Al. I'll do more 'news roundups' with things that I think are important, interesting, maybe not seen by the majority.
The essays take a bit of time and thought, I do wonder how much value I'm adding or if I should just go with news, commentary and the odd piece of satire.
I don't know if many would actually remember the details of my series on The Master And His Emissary.
Anyway, good to have your feedback.
No no-- longer pieces, demanding that vanishing capacity of attention, discrimination, and golly-- thought-- are GOOD. Some of each approach, perhaps, for those who have forgotten how to think about the words they're reading on the page/screen. Or "don't have the time." It's a matter of the choice to expand the mind.... or just look at memes. Both are fun, both are necessary.
Oh, and here's some adoration: J'adore your posts!
I second that! I really like longer pieces you do (and a numbers of others here on substack as well), that cause me to flex my brain and think thoughts that exist above the sturm and drang of everyday life and put me in the deep end of the pool.
I do like news briefs as much as the next gal, but we can look all around and see how only shallow thinking (if thoughts there be) has greatly harmed humanity. I’m sure you’ll find the right balance for yourself and your readers. Keep up the great work!
“Non-Binary” Assistant Professor Calls For ‘Stigma’ of Pedophilia to be ‘Delegitimized’. Well come forward you child didling bastards, show us who you are so we can deal with you mongrols. I'd have to stock up on my tar and feathers though.
Just another demonstration of how debased we have become. Sodom didn't end well, but we seem to have forgotten that old story.