Elon Musk has announced plans for humanoid robots (look it up, it’s a Telsabot).
Here’s a thought experiment…
Gates and others want to depopulate the world (and shift all the wealth to themselves along the way).
Politically we are heading for a totalitarian global state of surfdom.
People as slaves is a messy business, requires a lot of policing, expensive, etc.
Humanoid robots may be able to easily fit in (ergonomically) to our human world to serve the masters (very cheaply) - no need for a massive and ungainly proletariat to keep in check.
From what I know about the development of this sort of technology I don't think we are going to see a humanoid robot with near-human capabilities in the next few years. BUT, who knows what is 30-50 years down the track? In terms of the rise and fall of empires, that's not far away.
From what I know about the development of this sort of technology I don't think we are going to see a humanoid robot with near-human capabilities in the next few years. BUT, who knows what is 30-50 years down the track? In terms of the rise and fall of empires, that's not far away.