“The big lie” (große Lüge), is a propaganda technique of exaggerating misinformation to such a degree that no one would think the author could have the audacity to construct, let alone believe, such a fiction. This was first coined by Adolf Hitler in his Mein Kampf in reference to the Jews creating a fiction about General Erich Ludendorff’s responsibility for Germany's loss in the first world war. In regards to this große Lüge Hitler explains -
… in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.
It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
— Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X
Yet, in tragically ironic fashion, it was Hitler and his Nazi regime that actually employed the mendacious strategy… In short, Nazi fascism hinged on creating one streamlined, overarching lie ... the Nazis built an ideology on a fiction, the notion that Germany's defeat in World War I could be avenged (and reversed) by purging the German population of those purportedly responsible: the Jews.1
I wonder what could be going on today where the general population “would not believe others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think there may be some other explanation.”
Similarly I know of some people who insist a certain Victorian dictator really loves them and is protecting them and that the unvaccinated are the real enemy. They do not want to believe the vaccine could be dangerous or not effective. How could it be? The government wouldn't do that to us!
"We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying" - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The problem with ppl is most of them construct their reality based on emotion not logic and facts. This translates precisely on what’s going on today. We have enough data showing Covid vaccine aren’t working, yet I’m still hearing the problem are de unvaccinated. What’s more astonishing to me is the fact that this is a global trend. I read and watch every day news in English but I’m from Brazil and the most surprising thing is when I hear a new narrative in the US news, takes about a week to the same narrative start been pushed in here. This makes me think lies are now been pushed systematically in a global scale, and ofc why wouldn’t be this way. Covid related lies makes all sense, but for instance last year when BLM and CRT started to gain traction in US news the same was pushed in here which makes no sense, yet some ppl in here (a small proportion) bough the idea. All and all this makes me believe that there is a centralized group that is pushing all this lies globally. What a didn’t figure out yet is what’s the final goal. I have 2 theories for end goals but I believe the end goal would be some sort of mass global slavery.
There certainly is a coordinated effort to propagate the narrative - I pointed people to how this global network is connected here https://escapingmasspsychosis.substack.com/p/the-ministry-of-truth. And as you say, people construct their own reality, and the materials they use for that construction are served up to them via a well coordinated propaganda machine with a good dose of fear so the mind of the recipients cement the narrative quickly and firmly in their collective reality.
I think a good rumble channel to follow is Amazing Polly. For some ppl her opinions might be crazy but in fact that doesn’t matter. The information she digs up are enough to have a sense on what’s going on. The fb presentation to meta and how it’s going to work match almost perfect with a Japanese project founded by World Economic Forum (which is on their page). And also adds up with the Microsoft patent to pay crypto coins in exchange for some sort of neural implant usage. I guess the plan have been made a long time ago and even the pandemic was part of it. There is so much evidence around. Like why Alphabet aka Google would found the wuhan lab, this info is not spread enough but tucker brought it up 2 months ago. There is also a conference that took place in a US university (that I can’t recall since I’m not in my Linux pc XD) in 2018 that had the exact same death panel that CNN used. Lots and lots of coincidence. Anyway what sometimes makes me mad is the mass blindness to this huge amount of facts. I know that’s exactly what the post talk about but still. One thing I keep wondering is if they got it wrong the number of ppl who would not comply. Because the ministry of truth is hiding the amount of ppl that are protesting against all of this crazy mandates and even tho they are hiding looks like it’s a growing movement. Or that’s just my hope trying to keep me positive.
Similarly I know of some people who insist a certain Victorian dictator really loves them and is protecting them and that the unvaccinated are the real enemy. They do not want to believe the vaccine could be dangerous or not effective. How could it be? The government wouldn't do that to us!
Yes I watched that earlier today - share it around.
Did you know I am a billionaire?
Let me lick your boots.
"We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying" - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
I love that quote from Solzhenitsyn
I seem to recall you quoted it to myself once
The problem with ppl is most of them construct their reality based on emotion not logic and facts. This translates precisely on what’s going on today. We have enough data showing Covid vaccine aren’t working, yet I’m still hearing the problem are de unvaccinated. What’s more astonishing to me is the fact that this is a global trend. I read and watch every day news in English but I’m from Brazil and the most surprising thing is when I hear a new narrative in the US news, takes about a week to the same narrative start been pushed in here. This makes me think lies are now been pushed systematically in a global scale, and ofc why wouldn’t be this way. Covid related lies makes all sense, but for instance last year when BLM and CRT started to gain traction in US news the same was pushed in here which makes no sense, yet some ppl in here (a small proportion) bough the idea. All and all this makes me believe that there is a centralized group that is pushing all this lies globally. What a didn’t figure out yet is what’s the final goal. I have 2 theories for end goals but I believe the end goal would be some sort of mass global slavery.
There certainly is a coordinated effort to propagate the narrative - I pointed people to how this global network is connected here https://escapingmasspsychosis.substack.com/p/the-ministry-of-truth. And as you say, people construct their own reality, and the materials they use for that construction are served up to them via a well coordinated propaganda machine with a good dose of fear so the mind of the recipients cement the narrative quickly and firmly in their collective reality.
I think a good rumble channel to follow is Amazing Polly. For some ppl her opinions might be crazy but in fact that doesn’t matter. The information she digs up are enough to have a sense on what’s going on. The fb presentation to meta and how it’s going to work match almost perfect with a Japanese project founded by World Economic Forum (which is on their page). And also adds up with the Microsoft patent to pay crypto coins in exchange for some sort of neural implant usage. I guess the plan have been made a long time ago and even the pandemic was part of it. There is so much evidence around. Like why Alphabet aka Google would found the wuhan lab, this info is not spread enough but tucker brought it up 2 months ago. There is also a conference that took place in a US university (that I can’t recall since I’m not in my Linux pc XD) in 2018 that had the exact same death panel that CNN used. Lots and lots of coincidence. Anyway what sometimes makes me mad is the mass blindness to this huge amount of facts. I know that’s exactly what the post talk about but still. One thing I keep wondering is if they got it wrong the number of ppl who would not comply. Because the ministry of truth is hiding the amount of ppl that are protesting against all of this crazy mandates and even tho they are hiding looks like it’s a growing movement. Or that’s just my hope trying to keep me positive.
Stay hopeful - there is a growing number of people who are waking up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg-mwyHhOUI
Hi Mr.Anselm, I appreciate all your information and I will have a look at Polly.
I am loving all the conspiracy theories, and hope to arrive soon at the Truth.
Yes I think it's becoming more obvious that slavery is the end goal - global serfdom.
I have shared this. Thanks Winston.
Thanks Dennis