deletedSep 4, 2022Liked by Winston Smith
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It is eugenics as you say. And to make it even worse they are wanting to inject our animals with mRNA technology as well. We won't be able to trust any meat products (if there any to actually buy). And now the Chinese coming out with aerosol vaccines (which isn't new tech, but you can imagine what 'they' could do if they could spray it through the streets of LA and NY!

What an insane world we find ourselves in.

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Tessa Lena had a post about stuff being sprayed in NY subways and such.


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Just giving you some historical perspectives.

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Thank you. A second confirmation of the myth of small-pox eradication by injection. Amazing the medical myths extant against history. It does make me wonder to what extent western medicine successes are far less than advertised and those successes more from luck than 'science'. Then, as now, money trumps science. Amazing.

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It is amazing isn't it. Turns out that basic hygiene and better living standards were way more effective against small-pox than any vaccine.

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Combine the Rockefferisation of medicine, which basically means selling snake oil (well actually mostly oil oil) as medicine bolstered with mass media slight of hand and the creation of the school of unnatural medicine and the coordinated vilification of nature's natural healing and supportive healing 'arts' and practices such as nutrition and cleanliness and we have the 2021 attempt to argue that natural 'herd immunity' does not exist without toxic injections. OMG.

It is the apex of the fear-based advertising industry by the media owners to completely dissociate humans from nature in order to advance transhumanism slavery and perhaps ultimate tyranny.

Nature is, ultimately, way bigger and stronger than the WEF cabal. Under Nature this clever group will crumble like all things unnatural do. Like the current acceleration of the crumbling that is happening in the trust in allopathic medicine now that the deep and ignored failure of Western 'medicine' for anything beyond triage , at which it is truly EXCELLENT, has shown itself as mostly a money grab. For a while it will be mighty uncomfortable, though. Fascinating times.

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Thanks for sharing this, Winston. Will be linking it tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

https://archive.org/details/dissolving-illusions-disease-vaccines-and-the-forgotten-history-by-suzanne-humph (i think that’s a valid link) more fuel to the fire

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Awesome. Thanks.

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you may be familiar with eleanor mcbean’s works already: http://www.whale.to/v/mcbean.html

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How informative is that? Clearly vaccination has always been highly contentious a practice, subject to profit, secrecy, coercion and misinformation. Forcing people to accept an invasive technique is obviously insulting to their autonomy and I dread to think how many otherwise healthy people have suffered unnecessarily at the hands of arrogant medical dictators and still do to this day.

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I couldn't believe the stark parallels with today. It's incredible that the farce has been upheld for these 200+ years and over-reaching governments coercing the population into taking this stuff.

I saw a clip the other day of a doctor citing another doctor from the 1930s saying he didn't know any unvaccinated people who had developed cancer. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone today who isn't vaccinated to some extent - there is no control group anymore (well not a sizeable one).

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Yeah, only a very few individuals escaped the school nurse! We were so uninformed, so were our parents. My son is unvaxxed but only because he dodged it due to his intensely rebellious nature. He is the only person I know who did that.

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We need more rebels like your son.

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Surely more parents are resisting the pressure by now? I have been campaigning against vaccines for a decade, along with many others I associate with in real life and on social media.... mind you I think we have all been de-platformed over the recent 2 years, thanks to Zuckerberg and Dorsey, having to cave in to pressure from our various governments who were, in turn, pressurised by the Black Nob Mafia owners of Big P-Harma.

I hear from people almost every day thanking me for my articles.... we are getting there, Winston. xx

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Thanks, Winston. I hadn't realized it went so far back. Yet, oh, it does indeed and here we are again worshiping the religion of Science. I have less and less faith in medical Science as the days go by. Am I going back in time?

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As I'm sure you noticed, Alexander Wilder, M. D was a high ranking member of The Theosophical Society, serving as vice-president, and he even edited some of Blavatsky books.

Are there any other connections between the anti-vaccines organizations of the 19th century and Nazi ideology (https://escapingmasspsychosis.substack.com/p/guided-by-and-angel-of-light)?

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https://online.pubhtml5.com/ejtz/ccjh/#p=5 45 Years of Vaccination Statistics , Proving Vaccination to be both Useless and Dangerous- Alfred Wallace - 1889

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Thank you for this amazing piece of history. Its even more amazing how the implementation and use of these "vaccines" have become more noxious and ubiquitous.

I also read that there will be mandatory vaccination of pork and chicken, undoubtedly turkey and other birds. Thank goodness I have half a regeneratively raised cow in the freezer. Rather, will have in two weeks. Thanksgiving at relatives house may find me claiming to be vegan.

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