The process of enculturation which includes schooling and 'education' focuses on left brain thinking/understanding/perception. The right is stiffled and neglected. It's as if a tree grows with one side completely shaded. The branches on the shaded side don't grow very much while the branches on the unshaded side grow abundantly. So abundantly that they actual further shade the branches on the shaded side.

What's a poor tree to do? Having grown in a much less than ideal environment, to the tree this is the normal state of things. 'Ain"t nothin wrong with me.'

Sometimes things happen to bring light to the other side. A nearby tree falls or is cut down. A severe storm breaks many branches off the dominant side, allowing more light to reach the once shaded side. Over time there may be balance.

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I love this analogy! Especially so as I have a mango tree that was in this exact situation - a huge vine with large spikes grew over a dead tree right next to the mango. So much so that half the mango tree was deprived of sunlight and started to grow away from the offending vine.

Eventually, with the help of an excavator, the vine and dead tree was removed, revealing the mango with only a few withered branches on the formally shaded side.

It’s been a few years now and the mango tree is still slowly recovering on that side, and from what I can see it seems to be reaching straight up to the sky once again.

Bring on the excavator to cut down the sun sucking vine with offending spikes so we can all stand up straight and reach for the sky once again!

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Yes, it's kind of mind-boggling to realize how much we (or some of us) have been deceived by LH thinking, about the holy in particular. Even though the transcendent is kind of staring us in the face once we change our perspective (to a more RH mode?). Thanks for sharing.

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Typo: “…for all intensive purposes…” should read “…for all intents and purposes…”

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