Jul 7, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

You saved the best for last!!!

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

Perhaps the left hemisphere is one of the main "entry points" for the manipulation of humans and society? Just as an example among many: the recognition that one cannot escape a certain relativism when talking about big philosophical questions is taken by many (LH-)thinkers to mean that truth doesn't exist at all, and that everything is relative even in realms where it is obviously not. This then gets accepted by society, LH-style, with its tendency of generalizing and "equalizing" everything... The LH is very good at arguing people out of common sense with sophistical abstract theorizing.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

In the past there were people who knew how to take care of themselves along with a certain amount of those who couldn't. These people have been purposely been wiped off the planet and replaced with machines.

Interesting to consider by the left brains!

Stupid left brain bastards think machines will take the place of humans are as psychotic as they come now that you put a definition to the lot.

Oh, takes a lot more energy to operate a machine compared the the little bit of food a human needs, and with energy in short supply all these machines are about to go kaput. Since the fascist agribusiness is also dependent on machines, well, stick that idea into these idiot's leftasscheek!

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

Another wonderful essay Winston. When people are able to examine this issue/subject it is evidence that the right side is peeking out and trying to make connection. Some have described inquisitiveness that arises about this - (which is inquistiveness about the nature of reality) - as 'the call'. That can lead to the quest which is the 'hero's journey' to use the term Joseph Campbell used.

The right can be restless and try to break through or communicate. More so in some than in others. I think that some are just about completely cut off and others are more receptive to the 'messages' (for lack of a better term) from the right. I also think that there are those who make the 'journey' and integrate left and right to a great degree. I have at times referred to them as escapists. They leave the group consensus and escape to a different reality. Not easy to do. The pull of the left and group consensus is strong. There are those who do not follow 'the call' and stiffle it. Others wrestle with it and overcome the desire to remain in 'slumber'.


This whole concept about right side perception is common across so many seemingly disparate things. Arthur Koestler used the term 'ghost in the machine'. Some call it the soul, deep self, atman, etc. It can reach out, an inner call.


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It is inevitable that a fully digitized society will experience depersonalization on all levels. It is exacerbated by the fact that art, literature, music, and entertainment have at the same time become wholly depersonalized.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

Making ppl scared of each other’s germs will do this too. I truly abhor the way of the tech world we live in as it feels physically uncomfortable constantly. Maybe younger generations are just used to this constant discomfort. I am not.

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