Fascinating exercise. The momentum of this left-shift over the last decade in particular is an era I might call the tyranny of the toddler. A world in which the Id - or whatever we might call the hindbrain, has been unleashed in a sea of unmitigated abundance, where its wails and cries are met with more dopamine and less self-control. Responsibility becoming fully outsourced, invites all matters of pathologies, just as a household run by the whims of a toddler would reflect that of an insane tyrant even though there are presumably two adults in the room. (Again, this reflects the greater Inversion we see elsewhere)

The result is the death of the intrinsic and the complete reliance upon the extrinsic. In human systems this often means there is a point in which the body no longer produces its own essentials and instead must seek continual - and perpetual, intervention from the exterior system.

When the system aggregates such power and ubiquity, the iterative process of brain development on the individual level, and societal development in aggregate, just might result in a kind of culture that is perpetually trapped as a toddler. Full of want and meglomaniacal desire for control but the complete and utter lack of the capacity to conjure up and exercise that control and so the wails grow louder for the System to intervene, which it gladly does. And those children never develop that deep internal sense, the intrinsic anchoring to something greater, which is our divine communion with God.

Absent that the childlike self-god will reign. All while being further enslaved, with each successive generation being less aware of their enslavement.

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Very well said. And reminds me that the left hemisphere is more dopaminergic than the right and more demanding to be satisfied as such. Dwindling surges of dopamine from extrinsic sources throw the overgrown toddler into a flap until once again those synapses are satisfied. But as you say, the intrinsic desire, from the more GABAnergic right hemisphere, for the Divine is thwarted by the overbearing self-righteous left.

What a state we are in - and are there any adults in the room?

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I have hope the real adults, those who are still around, will realize it is time to act.

In the mean time, I keep coming back to the twilight zone episode "It's a Good Life". https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0734580/. Bill Mummy plays a young boy with supernatural powers controlling the adults around him and insisting they must all "think good thoughts", or be sent out to the cornfields.

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I had a correspondence back and forth with a friend many years back about Nietzsche's 'god is dead'. I thought then what I still think now. The state or culture 'killed' god and tried to take It's place. The Largest Whole was replaced by a false largest whole.

Regarding the adult/toddler metaphor, I think it is the opposite. I think the young child has not been fully indoctrinated/acculturated and still percieves the Largest Whole. Like a young tree that grows with branches on both sides but then has one side shaded or stunted. Cut off from the Largest Whole....or at least that's the way it appears.

Cut off --- the word religion has it's root in the the Latin word religare which pretty much means --- to bind back. I'm talking about religious experience and not most organized religion which in many ways (not all) has placed itself as subservient to the state/culture.......the false largest whole. In that paradigm god is some far off cosmic boogeyman.....separate.

I think that all of the escalation of left side thinking/systems/culture is similiar to when a chicken has it's head cut off. It expends it's last energy in a rapid pulse...actually seems mega energized.....but in reality it is death throes.

As crazy as it may sound....as this is happening a new type of culture is rising and has been for thousands of years. Sometimes it has growth spurts and takes leaps. We live in such a time.


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My oft repeated phrase to my child was "Grow a backbone".

Nearing 30 now,

she is strong, kind, self-supporting and centered.

As I age, she often repeats that phrase, back to me.

Love is good,

Love is kind.

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Hi Winston, as I read the extract you chose from Iains book (I love his work), I wonder what his reflections are on the current state of the world - I can only imagine, but would love to hear from him. Do you know if he has given any interview recently covering this? I also wonder what his advice would be to halt our civilizations march towards destruction - how can we nurture the right hemisphere, how can we show the left one its place?

Have you read his latest book?

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Hi Irene. You can follow him here https://channelmcgilchrist.com/ as he's always doing interviews and presentations.

Yes, I've read his latest and now re-reading, a lot slower :-) and I'll have to do some more summaries for this Substack - time is not always on my side, but I'd like to focus on McGilchrist's work for... maybe a decade or so!

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Some random thoughts.

Scientism which is now the world-dominant ideology/paradigm is the religion of the left brain.

Left brained or analytical thinking is a valid and useful strategy or cognitive style, ut the chronic exercise of the verbal, sequential mind is purchased at the expense of human emotion, or depth of feeling.

The scholars of our time and place vivisect the Body of God and Sources of Enlightened Influence and mount them on pins for display, mocking, mocking them, making them into scapegoats, and crucifying them on the linear structures of language.

Human beings are all "living" in a virtual world of mind - a tower of babble/babel. Human beings are, characteristically, self-identified with a robot, an artificial intelligence.

REAL Intelligence is tacit, or intrinsically wordless living existence.

The reason we are so confused, misdirected, and unspiritual is that our consciousness has been made to adapt to the views of men who have not been Enlightened by the Realization of The Living Divine Reality. We are mind rather than intelligence. We do not openly Commune with What IS, and the One Who Is. Therefore, we must be liberated from false adaptation and fear saturated self-defense, and we must be restored to the primal or Master Principle disposition of Divine Ignorance in the midst of all conditions. Then we will not resort to the fragmented mind of the usual dreadfully sane everyperson, but remain sensitive to conditions themselves, prior to speech and self. The brain and nervous system can then then Commune, or Abide in unobstructed continuity, with the Current and Process of Existence, and the Great Secret will be revealed to Consciousness.

Consciousness or unbounded Feeling-Awareness IS The Master Principle.

Because of our mind created presumption of separateness and independence, we are constitutionally divorced from the Infinite Condition wherein we have appeared. We are thus separated from our Primal Food Source. Humankind is not merely hunger. We are staving. We cannot even hope to be satisfied, and, therefore, our hunger has become doubt, unlove, fear, self-possession, self-indulgence, violence, dis-ease, and a death that is not merely a lawful change of state, but a suppression of existence to the point of the illusion of annihilation.

Enlightenment is the Principle of existence, and when there is Enlightenment, then the purpose of existence is obvious. The purpose of existence in manifest human form is to Transform manifestation, to Transfigure existence, to glorify Being in form, expressed as Sat-Chit-Ananda.

Mindless embodiment.

Consciousness without inwardness.

Thus It Becomes Obvious.

Every object is only Light, the Energy of Consciousness.

Even so, there is no mind.

Only this stark embodiment, without inwardness.

First transcend the mind, not the body.

Inwardness or all thinking is flight from Life and Love.

Only the body is Full of Consciousness.

Therefore, be the body only only, feeling into Life.

Surrender the mind into Love, until the body dissolves in Light.

Dare this Ecstasy, and never be made thoughtful by birth and experience and death.

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Excited to have found this series. Thank you for making these key sense-making concepts available.

John Carter led me to your work. I have hope that together we will sort this mess out and leave a world worth inheriting to our descendants. I will do my best to spread awareness of your work.

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Thanks Jerome - I've been too busy lately and need to catch up on this series - so much to say - I'll get some more out this week - thanks for connecting!

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