seeing a lot of "activist" posts lately, call to actions. Nice sentiments but that's all. 'contact your local whore and sit down with your local whore to tell them they've been complicit in genocidal whoring.' That'll go over real well. PCR nails it. They ain't going to do jack squat about anything.

"Imagine that you are a US Senator or a House committee chairman and you comprehend that these organizations’ agenda is to terminate national sovereignty. What can you do about it? If you begin speaking against them, exposing them, they use their vast network to cut off your political campaign contributions and to demonize you as a reactionary standing in the way of solutions to the world’s pressing problems." As Toby Rogers wrote yesterday all the sociopaths are in power, even at the lower levels. Prerequisite for the job. It's why they're there.

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Parallel societies folks! We can't beat the psychopaths, but we can create our own parallel societies (at least in theory we can).

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Until they come armed to take those small, as they wont be large, scattered societies down. There's no chance small groups will be able to stand military men trying to mop them down one at a time and bring them to camps. Unless the military wakes up or a large armed resistance starts, this doesn't end well at all.

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How many votes did these people get again?

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Hang on, let me count them... Zero.... Hmmm.

A recount!

.... Zero....


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Their failure is obvious - central banks are failing, blackrock is bankrupt, crypto money laundering is busted, ukraine is being liberated from the nazis - the Patriots are almost finished with them.

At this point the ashka (aryan) nazi's will molt, again, go underground, emerge with a new name new gimmick and try again to become a minor god.

It's all so tiresome, no creative thought, the same script throughout eternity, their 'hell on earth' existence. Same number 'majick'. Same old shit.

Satan awaits.

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'tis true the wizards and their alchemy have been at the same thing for eons. It's just that now they have the technology, the technocracy, to encapsulate the entire planet in their den and cauldron.

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Much has been hidden from We The People - vatican caves, hindu caves, Antarctica.

How does one know we hadn't tech previously, but deviously occulted from our reach.

We don't know. Their symbology - scat, signals, handshakes, number games- are their downfall.


playing with the Lord God Almighty.

May God have mercy on their souls, because lucyfur certainly will not :-)

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SO, this is the end for us? Sounds like there is nothing for anyone to do or even worth trying.......

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Ardern Out: Tearful New Zealand Prime Minister Unexpectedly Announced Resignation








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FED Powell tests positive for covidiot


Patriots monitoring house arrest of POWel.


Take heart. It's been a slog, many wrinkles have appeared, but the end will be Glorious.

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Winston I linked Dr Roberts article @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ as well on Monday, I thought he had some great points. Thanks for linking as well as you probably get more views than my site!

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From the N W O testing ground of Australia Maria Zeee explains with James Roguski “They are trying to pull the other leg.” Say no to Joseph Mengele type scientists from the World H Organization who are not doctors from trying to bind governments around the world into the next round of injection regulations. Everybody let every one know what is happening and SAY NO.

No more injecting babies with poisons. No more predating on the vulnerable elerley and people with already existing disabilities. No more paying MDs insidious insentives to turn a blind eye to the damage that they are injecting in to human souls. No more pharmaceutical sponsorship through institutionalsed education de ativating critical thinking and true science objectivism. No more letting people in power benefit economically from conflicts of interest. No more reducing of human dignity and self respect through harmful treatments and testing protocols. No more sickness inducing virus laboratories. SAY NO

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Senator Roberts says it plain and straight "withdraw from the WHO and the UN entirely. Aus EXIT." https://expose-news.com/2023/01/19/whos-dystopian-plan-for-the-world-must-be-stopped/

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