Wonderful images. Good to see some beauty and something so amazing in the midst of all the horrors that are going on.

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I'm a dummy, I don't believe it, it is all CGI. There, I said it.

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You are correct. And I agree with what you are saying to a large extent. We are being told this is what is there.

We also these that these digitally assembled. so you are quite correct in what you say.

I remember a a child going to an astronomical observatory, and what I saw was fascinating. What we see on Earth too is truly fascinating.

I know you have not said this or have implied it. I am still amazed though. To deny the exitance of a creator is in my mind astounding.

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Not A Space Agency money launders,

and in return we get fanciful pics.

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Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

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At one level such images are indeed awe-inspiring, but at another deeper level of feeling-awareness such images and the world-view which they reinforce are hell-deep terrifying!

The use of the word pillars implies a very reductionist/materialist world-view - a universe made of flying rocks and dust, completely devoid of consciousness.

Such a world-view invites us towards enthusiastic participation in a mortal lifetime displayed within a scheme of dreadfully indifferent powers and laws and forms. The universe described by such science is a mighty pool of senseless rocks, winding like clockwork, shedding a soup of poor frightened and diminished beings cited with the demand for yes and yes, until. in some terminal collision, they are made soundless in the molecular roar.

Yet, if human beings or their politics act in a manner like the universe they suppose, there are cries against barbarism, totalitarianism, and unlove - dramatized on to the world-stage as our collective psychosis.

How can we justify and demand superior behavior on the part of humankind if we conceive of mankind merely in terms of the diminished mortal ego and the secular cosmos.. If mankind does not achieve a higher sacred and Transcendental view of self and world and Reality, then there is no alternative to the mad (even psychotic) gleefulness of conventional religiosity and the sorry revolt of angry secular mortals.

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I just look at these images and think "Wow! God is amazing!"

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