I couldn't say.

I quit watching Hannity eons ago.

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The powers that be love to focus on the external because addressing our internal problems would undercut their socialist agenda.

Our current government officials campaign on promises of Federal and State government help. This "help" creates a permanent underclass which will perpetually vote for those who promise to increase the "aid" that is provided. It's a socialist feedback loop which only serves to enrich politicians at the working man's expense.

We need a massive shift in government. We need a massive reduction in government, primarily the unelected bureaucrats which rule through executive fiat and whom are nearly impossible to remove from their position. We could cut the federal and state government apparatus down by two thirds and still have an overabundance of government employees. This cut would also result in a reduction in federal and state spending which would bring down our national debt, lower personal tax rates, and avert the impending financial crisis. However, nobody in our current government wants to hear this. Instead, they attempt to promote tribal infighting amongst the general public, thereby cementing their terrible policies.

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Good article , Winston. Will be linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

I. myself, have grown a little tiredsome of Mr. Hannity!!!

Same old, same old, night after night. Has become a distraction more than just conservative news,,,,

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More here than meets the eye for certain. Deep down in the intentional matrix.


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“Civil war within the US” “ A coup has taken place” are the strongest words describing the chaos I have seen to date. In Canada they are calling it a culture war but that masks the reality of which it also feels like China has taken over our once true north strong and FREE country and proof of that has recently been leaked to the msm which shows this has been slowly taking place over the past 50 years with every government in power since then colluding with Chinese foreign interference so we were sold out long ago to the communist party of China who has infiltrated and spread their socialist propaganda ever since. I pray the people of the US will rally against the foreign dictatorship that has taken over their government and fight to keep their sovereignty and return to their former majestic free country fighting for liberty and freedom against tyranny for all. Amen🙏

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I just read this article this morning and it relates strongly to what you wrote, the author also writes of the need for America to reclaim its former role as world leader to once again create order of the utter chaos the world has now become.


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