Free sex rites are also a reason socialist systems always devolve into paranoia, suspicion and recrimination.

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Your pitches to upgrade to paid are getting fancier by the essay 😃👌

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Not sure if that comes across as desperate or creative - to be sure it's both!

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Well, my state-of-the-art wit-o-meter’s needle is slamming dangerously into the red zone. As it took to doing with your posts on the whole 😇 It’s a well-calibrated gauge, and meticulously kept up-to-date to be sure! You’re welcome to safely trust the reading as a meaningful data point.

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I guess its clear that sex, power and control is at the root of all troubles the human race encounters no matter what year it is.

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Yep. Sex and Power - never gets old.

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You are unfairly misrepresenting and maligning the Cathars FFS.

They had good reason to hate the Catholic church of that period, as they were literally their mortal enemy, demonstrated by their mass-murder of the Cathars and driving what was left underground.

You've also conflated some Gnostic sects ideas into the Cathar belief system.

The Cathars did believe that the OT god was evil, b/c HE WAS. Yahweh is not the Christian god. Read Mauro Biglino (official translator of proto-Hebrew and ancient Aramaic for the Vatican and head Rabbis) to get a more accurate understanding of the Bible, and the reality of the "god" of *one* particular Hebrew tribe. Here's a taste: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfsrrBqPCNw

Catholics need to lay off the Cathars, we're frankly getting sick of it. They didn't get everything right, but from what I can tell they are a lot closer than Catholicism or Orthodoxy in their credo.


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I criticized Shafarevich for this too in some of my posts on the book. In his defense, all he really had to go on was 19th century Catholic propaganda. The farther back he goes (Cathars back to the Gnostics), the less solid the evidence, and the easier it is to project the negative qualities of socialism. He hints at a better way of seeing it at various points, but doesn't go into it in much detail: that some of the tenets of socialism were actually standard monastic ideas. (The Cathars and various monastic orders had a lot in common, despite their doctrinal differences, for example.) The difference is that some socialist ideas work in such an environment: i.e. a small group of people who choose to enter into such a framework of their own free will, for a higher religious purpose. It turns into a nightmare when such ideas are coercively imposed on an entire population against their free will.

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You've pointed me to Mauro Biglino before - I wonder if you have looked at any Michael S. Heiser? "The Unseen Realm" for example?

I'll have another look at Biglino.

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I have looked at him, but not as closely as Biglino (I still have a bunch of bookmarks to go over).

The first thing that jumped out at me is he ignores that many of the descriptions (of what sure as hell sound like warring space aliens) that appear in Bilinio's literal translations also appear in several other ancient religious texts.

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I could say he was unfairly misrepresenting the roots of the Baptists as well - but I'm trying to relay the book and I'm not schooled in Middle Ages religious sects. So thanks for your input.

I'm not convinced the God of the OT is as the Cathars believe - but I'll give Biglino a fair hearing.

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Quite right, Yahweh is a regional ethnic deity and was conflated with the one universal God by Judaizers at the council of nicea!

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Once you start investigating the source material (which unfortunately, we need to rely on others for, unless you are willing to dedicate years to mastering proto-Hebrew and ancient Aramaic), suppressed/ignored texts (e.g. Nag Hammadi), and other historical documents (the Codex Oera Linda has some extremely interesting things about Jesus https://oeralinda.nl/ ) a very different picture emerges.

I don't think this detracts in any way from the power of prayer, invoking Christ's name, or some individual churches and their communities. I personally believe that if they were to come clean and tell/acknowledge the truth it would increase all of that. But TPTB don't want an increase in faith and community, so the lies get perpetrated.

I think that's ending in our lifetimes.

Mark Passio said (I’m paraphrasing him here)

“There’s only one sin in all of existence, to willfully turn from the truth and embrace the lie as such.”

Mark Passio was born into literal Satanism and rejected it. https://www.whatonearthishappening.com/

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What does the Oera Linda have to say about Christ? Was he a Frisian)?

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I'd have to go check, but I don't think so (could be wrong).

In brief, Jesus (Yesus in the OL, if memory serves), was also known as Buda (Buddha), and was well known as being a righteous man that did good deeds (bought people out of slavery), and spread wisdom wherever he went.

I'll have to re-read, but I also think it indicated he spent time in the East (lending credence he was also Buddha). He was never indicated as being crucified, resurrecting, etc.

Highly recommend the book, it's well worth 12EUR

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Oh I had the book but I lent it out to a friend. THere's some good video analyses of it on YouTube.

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Liking this series so far Winston. Reading part 2 reminded me of what "the preacher" says in Ecclesiastes ...

What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

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I just did the first English translation of Shafarevich's "Postscript to ‘The Three-Thousand-Year-Old Enigma'".


It's so encouraging to see bloggers brave enough to start taking Solzhenitsyn and Shafarevich's work seriously. Both men spoke out on the greatest threat that humanity faces: the threat of organized Jewry.

Good on ya!

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