> a “narrow circle of leaders who are initiated into all aspects of the doctrine and a wide circle of sympathisers who are acquainted only with some of it aspects”

It would be good to know more of how the leaders acquired these doctrines in their entirety, and why the sympathizers knew only some aspects. The pattern reminds me of freemasonry, and similar secret societies. Was there a common source of the occult "knowledge"?

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I think the common source of occult 'knowledge' is Satan and his fallen angels - of course there's a lot of so-called occult knowledge which is just a bunch of rubbish and can be attributed to man's cunning and/or stupidity.

Like many sects the leadership of these Middle Ages heretical movements had the 'knowledge' for which they were the specialists, the go-to priests, the 'elders', who understood the mysteries and the mind of God, and for the rest (who probably couldn't read) it was a simple matter of hearing and obeying. No different to the hierarchy of the CCP or the Party inner circle of the former Soviet Union.

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I wrote a screenplay 15 years ago, about the Apostolic Brethren, or rather, Dolcino, who led them. He was an exact contemporary of William Wallace in Scotland, he was something of a Robin Hood figure, he fell in love with the daughter of a nobleman, Margarite, who ran off with him. They plundered castles and churches and gave to the poor. They went to war against the church with some success, with the northern mountains as their base, hiding out for four years before being overcome and dying at the hand of the Inquisition.

I was well aware of many of these heretical groups, researching for the screenplay. It had not occurred to me they would have been precursors to modern socialist movements, likely including the anarchists. It makes sense though. Thanks for the info.

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Sounds like an interesting screenplay! Certainly those times are ripe with drama for films!

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The chief criticism was, too wordy, write a damn novel. Second, we can't place any products.

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Cut out a bunch of words, turn it into satire (Monty Python style), and cans of Coke or a Rolex won't look out of place lol.

OR - write a damn novel.

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Yes, a reading of history may seem like crazy religious ideologies at constant war. But it is still the same as today! My definition of religion is: subjective beliefs that cannot be objectively prove in a controlled, reproducible scientific experiment like the law of gravity can be quantified, no matter where the scientist is in the world or his religious bent. By this standard, government laws are still all religious!

Not a single human law can meet my rigid standard, as all human laws are codifications of subjective beliefs of politicians. Yes, yes, I know they try to make their subjective beliefs seem scientific, and governments hire so-called scientists to cook the books and "experiments" (psychological and otherwise) to confirm what they want to make into law. Just look at all the massively confused and conflicting data and interpretations of so-called covid "science"! Intelligent scientists, doctors, etc... have been censored around the covid "science" because it does not fit what the government wants us to believe. Even Dr. Robert Malone, co-creator of mRNA vaccines is discredited as a real man of science by the powers that be because he disses his own invention now, but a kid on the street is given more credibility as long as he or she tows the party line.

Your article says, "The Middle Ages saw the emergence of communality of property and wives, liberation from oppression, revolutionary action, and the destruction of the old world and the ushering in of the new." I like to say communism is a wonderful idea, as long as it is 100% voluntary, which it never is in this world. So, I will pick and choose, smorgasbord style, for myself, just like everybody does. Communality of property? Nah. Communality of wives? Sure, I'm in for that...even King Solomon had 1000 wives, but he didn't share, so he got that one little part wrong. Liberation from oppression? Yep, that means get rid of governments period. Revolutionary action? Just think, as that is very revolutionary today, and you will see I am right. Destruction of the old world of Pisces and the ushering of the age of Aquarius is upon us, whether the world likes it or not right now. Ultimately, we will.

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💬 (no protection from the Inquisition with a free subscription… sorry about that); (it’ easier than working out the cosmological constant)

🔥 🤣😂

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more great stuff, good work Mr. Smith

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