Feb 23, 2023Liked by Winston Smith

Well…. at least we’re not there in the absolute brutality of state socialism in both Ancient Egypt and Ancient China but in modern China and in modern Russia I imagine it to be modernized socialism and communism having never been to either country. Imagine a world where exceptionally gifted and talented people who can create all sorts of wondrous and beautiful things where bright minds and intellect and knowledge were considered to be a scourge on society that needed to be wiped out… how dull and lacklustre a world it would be. We need to get back to recognizing and acknowledging and rewarding excellence and outstanding achievements in all categories of all things, enough of all this mundane equality in everything! It’s so boring! Btw I am an ardent admirer of Russian artistry, I find it fascinating and mystical and intoxicating and so beautiful unlike anything else and it is indeed representative of old Russia with its long and fascinating history.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Winston Smith

Aha Winston! That’s the word that was eluding me “sophisticated” exactly yes similar brutality done now in a more sophisticated manner with 20th century communism! Thank you! That’s what I was trying to say but you said it better lol.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Winston Smith

If i take this phenomena into consideration "When the people are weak the state is strong; when the state is weak the people are strong. Hence the state that follows a true course strives to weaken the people", where do we stand today with the criminal globalists and the weakening of the human body and mind and soul through pharma crime and state propaganda? First they bribed us in taking illegal unhealthy, untested treatments, then they forced us to take it. Are we the people strong or weak in general during this 3 years of manipulations of "covid" data? Many people saw through these shenanigans, but how many? Are we in a minority and the rest who acted on shear fear or often travel reasons, where would we as society be placed at this time of awakening?

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What will happen to creativity and art under such extreme social manupilation from the rotten bureaurocratic top...? Will the real free artists hide their art and creativity from the monster state and start to create in secret... underground

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My husband just asked me if I had anything else for him as this was the funniest thing he has heard in a long time! Really enjoy your Substack and the people who write in your commentary please keep up the excellent work and thank you for making us laugh today!

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Very informative. Thank you!

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