All socialist experiments fail. Any political or cultural "ist" fails actually.
Those of us who have habituated to this western fascist business model/lifestyle won't like the coming changes, but I doubt the socialists will have a say in it.
All socialist experiments fail, true. But they always leave behind piles of dead people and some left alive, who would rather be dead too. And the following (at least) 2 generations will still be mentally handicapped by the experience. Some physically as well.
This is why marxism should be put on top of the same list with Fentanyl and crack cocaine, outlawed and even the slightest, faintest attempt to resuscitate this criminal doctrine must be crushed immediately and mercilessly. If one extreme, dictatorial law is to be implemented everywhere, this is it - Hunt down and shoot marxists on sight, two rounds in each thick skull. Participation mandatory ツ
On thinking about your comment the resources needed to prop up socialists regimes, or whatever, no longer exits. What comes next is: THE REVENGE OF THE PEASANTS.
Doesn't matter what you are terrified of (Hahaha!), shortages are driving the changes now occurring. All hierarchies collapse, this time it will be global in reach. Whether peasants revenge all the totalitarian rules and deaths they have suffered over the centuries, or not, is the right question.
I must say I am skeptical about any relevant uprisings, even when cold and famine will become dreaded members of each and every household.
Perhaps thick synthetic fur coats will come back in fashion and the sheeple will develop unexpected cravings for Shill Hates' vomitburgers mixed with Gross Scab's bug purée, bought with the carbon sensitive coupons popping up monthly on their digital ID apps courtesy from their beloved, omnipotent and highly respected leaders.
And perhaps this love story will last for a few hundreds of years, until some real men endowed with strong back bones will decide to do something about it - which is not very likely, considering the genetic alterations made by the mRNA clot shots...
The fact that the planet is flooded with clueless addicted people who rush through their lives does not alter the potential for a real reset back to the past. The elite and all those who depend on this fascist system will fail but there will be plenty of people who know how to take care of themselves going forward.
Doesn't matter what the people who don't know how to take care of themselves think.
Not driven by revolution at all, driven by the lack of resources that prop up the system (all that people now depend on for an easy lifestyle).
Oooh, looking forward to this. I’ve read the book ages ago and recently wanted to get a hard copy. None available in the UK but thankfully there is a German one.
That’s certainly part of the picture - so why are there so many young westerners pushing for socialism? This is why we need a complete analysis of theory and manifestation of the socialist phenomenon which we will work through. I’m sure not one of those young socialists in the democratic west want to experience yet another failed socialist experiment - their heads are filled with a fantasy utopian dream - we need to burst their bubble.
As my friend Julia explained to me, she and husband (both engineers) refused to discuss their experience with others, even their only child. The old saw 'little pitchers have big ears' was deeply engrained to the point of paranoia. Julia didn't discuss Russian life with her daughter (45 yo hollywood liberal) until the scamdemic hit. Julia was sure communist tanks would be rolling up her driveway and she broke down, spilling her guts.
I think offspring (both young and old), have been protected to the point of incapacity. I know I struggled with what to teach my own child about the world.
I get the inability to bring up trauma like this, but for the sake of generations to come the trauma needs to be expressed. Otherwise, like Julia's daughter, the next generation will believe the propaganda, the visions of utopia, and fall into the trap like so many before.
No disrespect, but me thinks Shafarevich tried splitting the matchstick in a thousand strands in his quest to write a book, so he can pay his bills without having to work in a factory. Communism is simple - I have all the bananas and if you are hungry, show me your arse first. If you bring a banana from outside into the tribe, it is still mine, and if you want to eat it you know the drill...
I was born in a communist shithole and my father was a medium-ranked active member of the communist party. Because I wasn't the best child a parent would desire, I had to spend some of my free time either at the University with my mom, or in the communist party offices building where all the security knew me and I could go in-out at will. Once, while exploring the building, I found the meeting hall and I brought screwdrivers and snips and I nicked all the speakers, leaving only empty loudspeaker boxes, hid them in a more convenient place and took them out one at the time, by holding them under my tee-shirt, covered with my jacket and sucking my belly when passing through the security on my way out. There were no cameras or metal detectors in the late 70s...
Next day, big gathering, some big shot arrived from the "top" with more "light & knowledge from the masters above us all" and smoked the amplifiers, because of course, I twisted the input wires inside every speaker box. The scandal was huge, but the culprit was never found.
I digress, sorry. What I can say, none of those active members of the communist party actually believed in the crap they were feeding to the masses. None of them, I've been among them in those offices, at parties, sometimes I overheard, sometimes I listened on purpose to what they were talking and they were always cursing the morons at the top.
How it started ? In the big cities it was the easiest. The bigger the city, the lower the average IQ. The very small pockets of opposition were dealt with, swift and relatively easy.
In the countryside it was the real struggle. They sent armed goons first, to rob and terorize the villagers for a while, then they appeared as saviours and peace makers. On their terms, of course.
People were never given a choice, the most stubborn were killed with their families, their properties set ablaze and their memories erased. Later on, the communists had to show a more civilised behaviour, so they started "disappearing" the troublemakers in absolutely horrible and degrading prisons or forced labour camps. The country I am talking about is called Romania and it is very proud of its canal between the Danube and the Black sea and one of the most dangerous routes (if not the most dangerous) in Europe, the Transfagarasan. What they don't brag much abut is that both were built almost exclusively with political prisoners and many thousands of them died because of inhuman treatments and primitive conditions of work.
Why they don't brag much about it, because it still is a communist shithole, not necessarily because its populace is fearful or lazy, but mostly because everyone is sick of politics and politicians. Nobody pays attention to whatever they say or do, and everyone tries to survive somehow, tired of a history of failed uprisings. Their national anthem says "wake up, Romanians", but everyone is asleep and they will all stay asleep all the way to their final demise.
In conclusion, this is marxism - fear, coercion, humiliation, murder, surveillance. I lived for my first 25 years in a communist shithole and I don't know even one true supporter of marxism.
People know instinctively what is good for them, brainwashing does not work as well as the cabal hopes and wants us to believe. Like in "1984", when in large groups, everyone seems to love and obey the "dear leader", but in private is another story. It is all a show and it is fuelled solely by fear.
In time, as poverty and humiliation increase, people's resistance to fear increases because they have less and less to lose and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.
The westerners still have a lot to lose, and their average resistance to fear is low. They are aware that something really bad is happening, but they don't want to risk their jobs, bank accounts, properties, all sorts of social perks they can still enjoy, so we see this apparent passivity, but don't be fooled, there is tension underneath. The cabal's job is to keep an eye on this fine balance between their levels of oppression and their victims' breaking point and at this stage it looks like they will be safe for a while.
Thanks so much for sharing your "lived experience" (lol). I hope you move to New Hampshire, we can use more born shitlords like you.
"The cabal's job is to keep an eye on this fine balance between their levels of oppression and their victims' breaking point and at this stage it looks like they will be safe for a while."
This is true, but fortunately they suck at their jobs.
True, just listening to their speeches, one knows none of them is even remotely smart, but this is nonetheless scary, because it means there is a part of this puzzle which is still invisible to us - the real puppeteer, the supreme master of ceremonies.
What is being presented to us, the pompous but empty klaus the scab with his horde of numbskulls and the bilderbergers - of which I know two and both are in it solely for the fun and benefits, while avoiding any major involvement whatsoever - are just relaying orders from above. Dedication to the cause is scarce in our enemy's ranks, their main issue is too much money, power and free time. Boredom, for after all, they are only humans. For now.
Their minions, with their minds clouded and driven by cravings, will always make mistakes and given enough time, these mistakes will add up and lead to their downfall which unfortunately will not mean the downfall of the whole pyramid, for the IQ of the top is not to be disconsidered. They always know when to cut the ties and burn the loose strings.
Now, imposing a digital economy in parallel with energy scarcity sounds dumb, unless this is just a step towards a further goal.
Why would anyone accept payment in a virtual currency with conditional spending, a limited life, is extremely traceable and volatile and needs all sorts of gizmos and power supply at many ends of an entire network. Everyone accepting this deserves whatever comes with it.
An electrician installs power supply and comms systems in your home which you will use at your leisure, when, how, if and for how long you desire, so the form of payment you are using to reward the technician for the work done must offer the same options.
I will never accept any form of programmable digital currency for my work and I will refuse any service that requires me to pay in CBDC.
Every system based on software of any kind is hackable, but the morons trying hard to impose a digital economy on us seem to be oblivious to this. It's going to be fun wreaking havoc into their systems ☿
The Fed recently announced there will be no CBDC from them, so that's out.
If they do issue some sort of alternative, I expect it will be with some sort of guaranteed basic income, in which case using it to get things you need before it all goes tits up.
Get to know your local producers of everything, and see if they're open to parallel currencies, silver, BTC, nuts/bolts/screws/washers/ammo/whatever.
If you have to sell something and someone wants to pay in their CarbonFuckBux, charge them double, offer them the regular price in alternatives and barter.
This transition period won't last long, once we're through it the real fun starts.
"Charge them double" ツ - one wheelbarrow of trash or two wheelbarrows of trash, what's the difference ? I'll rather say "no, thanx".
The "climate change" is a childish hoax believed only by illiterate morons.
The CO2 is at its lowest levels ever and the plants are being starved, leading to the death of everything we call life on this planet. I know it sounds insane, but the cabal wants to destroy all life and replace it with some combination of synthetics and genetically modified, fully controllable environment, while using all sorts of questionable technologies to avoid death. It sounds insane because they are insane. Their own limited lifespan terrifies them more than anything else, not because they love living - they don't really know what "love" or "living" means - but because everything they own and gives them this intoxicating sense of seemingly unlimited power will be taken away from them.
A currency which is not backed by gold is based solely on the trust of its users and trust is difficult to enforce, even on weak minds. If push comes to shove, I will only accept barter. Even gold is questionable these days, there are loads of tungsten filled gold bars on the market.
Afghanistan is important not only for its poppies and high quality ganja, but for its large reserves of tungsten as well, for its density is closest to gold, therefore making it ideal for faking gold bars.
This whole system is being held together by deception which is coming apart and needs to be replaced fast by another deception, or even the wealthiest of the wealthy will lose everything.
And the CBDC contraption is the best they could do.
The only thing we need money for is energy. If product A requires energy - including human labour, skill and expertise - to become available, then it can be paid for with another product B, of a different nature and requiring an equal amount of energy to become a finite, useful product which the seller of product A needs. So money is a way of storing and exchanging energy and is based on the estimated amount of Joules needed to get the base material(s) and change that base material(s) into something useful. The problem is who does the estimation and how. Demand and quality add value to the finite product as well of course, but after all they only mean more energy put into the manufacture.
The cabal will stay in power for as long as the populace will accept the energy exchange device controlled by the cabal, which for the time being is fiat currency.
In conclusion, we either need to reject their fiat currencies and come up with something better, or we need vast amounts of continuously available free energy, human ingenuity remaining the only marketable asset, none of these being an even remotely easy task...
We are at a crossroads now and we will have to choose and act wisely.
We'll all have to decide if CarbonFuckBux offered are worth it with a high premium at the time of transaction (you might be able to do something useful with them, e.g. paying taxes). There's also going to be a lot of "over and under" transactions, e.g. price is 10k CarbonFuckBux and 10oz of silver, otherwise it's 25k CFB, etc., etc.
We already have better things for money, gold (easily determined to be genuine by comparing size/weight, tungsten is 5% off the density of gold), silver (you can flick and "ring" it), BTC (quick transactions via the lightning network), Monero, and barter (25 9mm for a dozen eggs sounds about right, currently).
Please, God of finances, have mercy on us, all !!!
I did not understand half of your statement, what percentage of the general population do you really think will be able to ? Tell that to the farmer trying to sell a truckload of potatoes if you haven't been cursed in a while...
Interesting that Shavarevich is popping up in the alt media. The Occidental Observer just published a great article about Shavarevich's essay, "Russophobia."
That is interesting- I was introduced to him about a year ago, mentioned it to Harrison Koehli a number of months back, and now I am seeing more of him pop up - Good time for it!
But meanwhile the amoral (even nihilistic) adolescent TV created and driven anti-culture of competitive individualism, has via global capitalism inevitably, brought both humankind and the biosphere too to the point of meltdown.
We are (collectively) both amusing and consuming ourselves to death - one of the meanings of the word consume is to destroy.
When the entire human world founds itself on the adolescent motive t aggrandize the separate (and always separative) ego-"I", then everyone is collectively working toward the destruction not only of human culture and mankind itself, but even of the Earth itself, the very vehicle that supports life.
Such an anti-culture of mere individuals does not need, and cannot even tolerate, a true culture - because a true culture must, necessarily, be characterized (in its best, and even general, demonstrations,and, certainly, in its aspirations) by mutual tolerance, cooperation, peace, and profundity of understanding and doings. Therefore, societies based on competitive individualism, gross self-fulfillment and/or superficial mindedness actually destroy culture (and all, until then, existing cultures, and cultural adaptations - which of course it has already done so with all-the-way-down-the-line potentially catastrophic consequences.
TV has created a human world which has become collectively insane, a collective lunatic asylum, a psychotic soap opera. That absurd soap opera actually controls the destiny and experience of the total world of human beings, a tower of Babel/babble - and that absurd soap opera is, in its root disposition, totally indifferent to the well-being of both human life and of the natural world altogether.
Both big business and big finance now control the entire world. Together they wield more power than any government, including the US.
Some references:
The Blue Commons Rescuing the Economy of the Sea by Guy Standing
Servants of the Damned Giant Law Firms and the Corruption of Justice by David Enrich
When Corporations Ruled the World by David Korten.
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Perkins - there never was anything remotely like a "free" market
I love a good series.
Just for you my dear Mr Charrington. And more series coming soon! It will be a veritable series fest!
All socialist experiments fail. Any political or cultural "ist" fails actually.
Those of us who have habituated to this western fascist business model/lifestyle won't like the coming changes, but I doubt the socialists will have a say in it.
All socialist experiments fail, true. But they always leave behind piles of dead people and some left alive, who would rather be dead too. And the following (at least) 2 generations will still be mentally handicapped by the experience. Some physically as well.
This is why marxism should be put on top of the same list with Fentanyl and crack cocaine, outlawed and even the slightest, faintest attempt to resuscitate this criminal doctrine must be crushed immediately and mercilessly. If one extreme, dictatorial law is to be implemented everywhere, this is it - Hunt down and shoot marxists on sight, two rounds in each thick skull. Participation mandatory ツ
Plenty of people who would act on demand.
On thinking about your comment the resources needed to prop up socialists regimes, or whatever, no longer exits. What comes next is: THE REVENGE OF THE PEASANTS.
Now, that's something we should be terrified of, remember the French revolution...
Doesn't matter what you are terrified of (Hahaha!), shortages are driving the changes now occurring. All hierarchies collapse, this time it will be global in reach. Whether peasants revenge all the totalitarian rules and deaths they have suffered over the centuries, or not, is the right question.
I must say I am skeptical about any relevant uprisings, even when cold and famine will become dreaded members of each and every household.
Perhaps thick synthetic fur coats will come back in fashion and the sheeple will develop unexpected cravings for Shill Hates' vomitburgers mixed with Gross Scab's bug purée, bought with the carbon sensitive coupons popping up monthly on their digital ID apps courtesy from their beloved, omnipotent and highly respected leaders.
And perhaps this love story will last for a few hundreds of years, until some real men endowed with strong back bones will decide to do something about it - which is not very likely, considering the genetic alterations made by the mRNA clot shots...
The fact that the planet is flooded with clueless addicted people who rush through their lives does not alter the potential for a real reset back to the past. The elite and all those who depend on this fascist system will fail but there will be plenty of people who know how to take care of themselves going forward.
Doesn't matter what the people who don't know how to take care of themselves think.
Not driven by revolution at all, driven by the lack of resources that prop up the system (all that people now depend on for an easy lifestyle).
Oooh, looking forward to this. I’ve read the book ages ago and recently wanted to get a hard copy. None available in the UK but thankfully there is a German one.
My Russian friend, 83, who emigrated from the Mother Land succinctly explained socialism to me, an American.
If you own a house, the govt can forcefully move a family into it, a shared space,
first one family, then two, three, each living in one bedroom and sharing the communal spaces,
and so on until you are moved out of "your" home into a flat,
first with one other family, then two --
well, you get the picture,
That’s certainly part of the picture - so why are there so many young westerners pushing for socialism? This is why we need a complete analysis of theory and manifestation of the socialist phenomenon which we will work through. I’m sure not one of those young socialists in the democratic west want to experience yet another failed socialist experiment - their heads are filled with a fantasy utopian dream - we need to burst their bubble.
As my friend Julia explained to me, she and husband (both engineers) refused to discuss their experience with others, even their only child. The old saw 'little pitchers have big ears' was deeply engrained to the point of paranoia. Julia didn't discuss Russian life with her daughter (45 yo hollywood liberal) until the scamdemic hit. Julia was sure communist tanks would be rolling up her driveway and she broke down, spilling her guts.
I think offspring (both young and old), have been protected to the point of incapacity. I know I struggled with what to teach my own child about the world.
I get the inability to bring up trauma like this, but for the sake of generations to come the trauma needs to be expressed. Otherwise, like Julia's daughter, the next generation will believe the propaganda, the visions of utopia, and fall into the trap like so many before.
Thanks so much for sharing - so important!
No disrespect, but me thinks Shafarevich tried splitting the matchstick in a thousand strands in his quest to write a book, so he can pay his bills without having to work in a factory. Communism is simple - I have all the bananas and if you are hungry, show me your arse first. If you bring a banana from outside into the tribe, it is still mine, and if you want to eat it you know the drill...
I was born in a communist shithole and my father was a medium-ranked active member of the communist party. Because I wasn't the best child a parent would desire, I had to spend some of my free time either at the University with my mom, or in the communist party offices building where all the security knew me and I could go in-out at will. Once, while exploring the building, I found the meeting hall and I brought screwdrivers and snips and I nicked all the speakers, leaving only empty loudspeaker boxes, hid them in a more convenient place and took them out one at the time, by holding them under my tee-shirt, covered with my jacket and sucking my belly when passing through the security on my way out. There were no cameras or metal detectors in the late 70s...
Next day, big gathering, some big shot arrived from the "top" with more "light & knowledge from the masters above us all" and smoked the amplifiers, because of course, I twisted the input wires inside every speaker box. The scandal was huge, but the culprit was never found.
I digress, sorry. What I can say, none of those active members of the communist party actually believed in the crap they were feeding to the masses. None of them, I've been among them in those offices, at parties, sometimes I overheard, sometimes I listened on purpose to what they were talking and they were always cursing the morons at the top.
How it started ? In the big cities it was the easiest. The bigger the city, the lower the average IQ. The very small pockets of opposition were dealt with, swift and relatively easy.
In the countryside it was the real struggle. They sent armed goons first, to rob and terorize the villagers for a while, then they appeared as saviours and peace makers. On their terms, of course.
People were never given a choice, the most stubborn were killed with their families, their properties set ablaze and their memories erased. Later on, the communists had to show a more civilised behaviour, so they started "disappearing" the troublemakers in absolutely horrible and degrading prisons or forced labour camps. The country I am talking about is called Romania and it is very proud of its canal between the Danube and the Black sea and one of the most dangerous routes (if not the most dangerous) in Europe, the Transfagarasan. What they don't brag much abut is that both were built almost exclusively with political prisoners and many thousands of them died because of inhuman treatments and primitive conditions of work.
Why they don't brag much about it, because it still is a communist shithole, not necessarily because its populace is fearful or lazy, but mostly because everyone is sick of politics and politicians. Nobody pays attention to whatever they say or do, and everyone tries to survive somehow, tired of a history of failed uprisings. Their national anthem says "wake up, Romanians", but everyone is asleep and they will all stay asleep all the way to their final demise.
In conclusion, this is marxism - fear, coercion, humiliation, murder, surveillance. I lived for my first 25 years in a communist shithole and I don't know even one true supporter of marxism.
People know instinctively what is good for them, brainwashing does not work as well as the cabal hopes and wants us to believe. Like in "1984", when in large groups, everyone seems to love and obey the "dear leader", but in private is another story. It is all a show and it is fuelled solely by fear.
In time, as poverty and humiliation increase, people's resistance to fear increases because they have less and less to lose and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.
The westerners still have a lot to lose, and their average resistance to fear is low. They are aware that something really bad is happening, but they don't want to risk their jobs, bank accounts, properties, all sorts of social perks they can still enjoy, so we see this apparent passivity, but don't be fooled, there is tension underneath. The cabal's job is to keep an eye on this fine balance between their levels of oppression and their victims' breaking point and at this stage it looks like they will be safe for a while.
We will see what this winter brings...
Thanks for sharing some of your experiences - so important to hear these stories - looking forward to more of your input as we go through this book!
Thanks so much for sharing your "lived experience" (lol). I hope you move to New Hampshire, we can use more born shitlords like you.
"The cabal's job is to keep an eye on this fine balance between their levels of oppression and their victims' breaking point and at this stage it looks like they will be safe for a while."
This is true, but fortunately they suck at their jobs.
True, just listening to their speeches, one knows none of them is even remotely smart, but this is nonetheless scary, because it means there is a part of this puzzle which is still invisible to us - the real puppeteer, the supreme master of ceremonies.
What is being presented to us, the pompous but empty klaus the scab with his horde of numbskulls and the bilderbergers - of which I know two and both are in it solely for the fun and benefits, while avoiding any major involvement whatsoever - are just relaying orders from above. Dedication to the cause is scarce in our enemy's ranks, their main issue is too much money, power and free time. Boredom, for after all, they are only humans. For now.
Their minions, with their minds clouded and driven by cravings, will always make mistakes and given enough time, these mistakes will add up and lead to their downfall which unfortunately will not mean the downfall of the whole pyramid, for the IQ of the top is not to be disconsidered. They always know when to cut the ties and burn the loose strings.
Now, imposing a digital economy in parallel with energy scarcity sounds dumb, unless this is just a step towards a further goal.
Why would anyone accept payment in a virtual currency with conditional spending, a limited life, is extremely traceable and volatile and needs all sorts of gizmos and power supply at many ends of an entire network. Everyone accepting this deserves whatever comes with it.
An electrician installs power supply and comms systems in your home which you will use at your leisure, when, how, if and for how long you desire, so the form of payment you are using to reward the technician for the work done must offer the same options.
I will never accept any form of programmable digital currency for my work and I will refuse any service that requires me to pay in CBDC.
Every system based on software of any kind is hackable, but the morons trying hard to impose a digital economy on us seem to be oblivious to this. It's going to be fun wreaking havoc into their systems ☿
This article does a good job explaining why they're going to try for a "carbon credit" based system
The Fed recently announced there will be no CBDC from them, so that's out.
If they do issue some sort of alternative, I expect it will be with some sort of guaranteed basic income, in which case using it to get things you need before it all goes tits up.
Get to know your local producers of everything, and see if they're open to parallel currencies, silver, BTC, nuts/bolts/screws/washers/ammo/whatever.
If you have to sell something and someone wants to pay in their CarbonFuckBux, charge them double, offer them the regular price in alternatives and barter.
This transition period won't last long, once we're through it the real fun starts.
"Charge them double" ツ - one wheelbarrow of trash or two wheelbarrows of trash, what's the difference ? I'll rather say "no, thanx".
The "climate change" is a childish hoax believed only by illiterate morons.
The CO2 is at its lowest levels ever and the plants are being starved, leading to the death of everything we call life on this planet. I know it sounds insane, but the cabal wants to destroy all life and replace it with some combination of synthetics and genetically modified, fully controllable environment, while using all sorts of questionable technologies to avoid death. It sounds insane because they are insane. Their own limited lifespan terrifies them more than anything else, not because they love living - they don't really know what "love" or "living" means - but because everything they own and gives them this intoxicating sense of seemingly unlimited power will be taken away from them.
A currency which is not backed by gold is based solely on the trust of its users and trust is difficult to enforce, even on weak minds. If push comes to shove, I will only accept barter. Even gold is questionable these days, there are loads of tungsten filled gold bars on the market.
Afghanistan is important not only for its poppies and high quality ganja, but for its large reserves of tungsten as well, for its density is closest to gold, therefore making it ideal for faking gold bars.
This whole system is being held together by deception which is coming apart and needs to be replaced fast by another deception, or even the wealthiest of the wealthy will lose everything.
And the CBDC contraption is the best they could do.
The only thing we need money for is energy. If product A requires energy - including human labour, skill and expertise - to become available, then it can be paid for with another product B, of a different nature and requiring an equal amount of energy to become a finite, useful product which the seller of product A needs. So money is a way of storing and exchanging energy and is based on the estimated amount of Joules needed to get the base material(s) and change that base material(s) into something useful. The problem is who does the estimation and how. Demand and quality add value to the finite product as well of course, but after all they only mean more energy put into the manufacture.
The cabal will stay in power for as long as the populace will accept the energy exchange device controlled by the cabal, which for the time being is fiat currency.
In conclusion, we either need to reject their fiat currencies and come up with something better, or we need vast amounts of continuously available free energy, human ingenuity remaining the only marketable asset, none of these being an even remotely easy task...
We are at a crossroads now and we will have to choose and act wisely.
We'll all have to decide if CarbonFuckBux offered are worth it with a high premium at the time of transaction (you might be able to do something useful with them, e.g. paying taxes). There's also going to be a lot of "over and under" transactions, e.g. price is 10k CarbonFuckBux and 10oz of silver, otherwise it's 25k CFB, etc., etc.
We already have better things for money, gold (easily determined to be genuine by comparing size/weight, tungsten is 5% off the density of gold), silver (you can flick and "ring" it), BTC (quick transactions via the lightning network), Monero, and barter (25 9mm for a dozen eggs sounds about right, currently).
Please, God of finances, have mercy on us, all !!!
I did not understand half of your statement, what percentage of the general population do you really think will be able to ? Tell that to the farmer trying to sell a truckload of potatoes if you haven't been cursed in a while...
We need something along these lines :
-Fiver for a bag of turnips.
- I'll give you three.
-Yours for four.
Simple, clear, straightforward.
Interesting that Shavarevich is popping up in the alt media. The Occidental Observer just published a great article about Shavarevich's essay, "Russophobia."
That is interesting- I was introduced to him about a year ago, mentioned it to Harrison Koehli a number of months back, and now I am seeing more of him pop up - Good time for it!
Thanks for the link - will have a read.
Looking forward to this have just ordered the book to follow along.
Socialism is definitely not the answer.
But meanwhile the amoral (even nihilistic) adolescent TV created and driven anti-culture of competitive individualism, has via global capitalism inevitably, brought both humankind and the biosphere too to the point of meltdown.
We are (collectively) both amusing and consuming ourselves to death - one of the meanings of the word consume is to destroy.
When the entire human world founds itself on the adolescent motive t aggrandize the separate (and always separative) ego-"I", then everyone is collectively working toward the destruction not only of human culture and mankind itself, but even of the Earth itself, the very vehicle that supports life.
Such an anti-culture of mere individuals does not need, and cannot even tolerate, a true culture - because a true culture must, necessarily, be characterized (in its best, and even general, demonstrations,and, certainly, in its aspirations) by mutual tolerance, cooperation, peace, and profundity of understanding and doings. Therefore, societies based on competitive individualism, gross self-fulfillment and/or superficial mindedness actually destroy culture (and all, until then, existing cultures, and cultural adaptations - which of course it has already done so with all-the-way-down-the-line potentially catastrophic consequences.
TV has created a human world which has become collectively insane, a collective lunatic asylum, a psychotic soap opera. That absurd soap opera actually controls the destiny and experience of the total world of human beings, a tower of Babel/babble - and that absurd soap opera is, in its root disposition, totally indifferent to the well-being of both human life and of the natural world altogether.
Both big business and big finance now control the entire world. Together they wield more power than any government, including the US.
Some references:
The Blue Commons Rescuing the Economy of the Sea by Guy Standing
Servants of the Damned Giant Law Firms and the Corruption of Justice by David Enrich
When Corporations Ruled the World by David Korten.
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Perkins - there never was anything remotely like a "free" market