“The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe as its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them.”
– Turkish Proverb
Boy the polarising of perspectives when it comes to the ‘vaccines’ just seems to become more extreme (at least among the people I know) and way less nuanced. The trees voting for the axe are so certain the axe is for their salvation - even if the neighbouring tree just got axed down!
I’m hearing, however, that things are crumbling, as CJ Hopkins writes…
But to be honest, I’m not seeing it here in Australia. If anything things are getting worse. Whatever revelations are coming out of other countries and signs of cracks in the wall, the Australian government seems completely oblivious. Maybe I’m missing something (and if you are an Australian and seeing the wall cracking, please enlighten me with such hopeful news).
We’ve now got a Quarantine Commissioner to oversee the concentration camps…
Now this may be overly cynical and the “Wellcamps” will be useful as a sort of hospital overflow facility or something, not a prison facility at the disposal of the Covidian Cult.
On my output of late:
I’ve been a bit overwhelmed by information over the past few weeks - 38 Substacks and the usual collection of social media and alternative video channels - and assimilating it all (as well as having a life) has been difficult. It’s my own fault - I’m over subscribed to way too much information. I’m going to cut down. I know I can do it. The withdrawal symptoms will subside!
So apologies for being a little absent of late. I’m back on it, but maybe not as regularly, but hopefully more substantially. Some authors are able to push out a substantial post every day, sometimes every 12 hours, and for a certain bad cat every couple of hours (or so it seems)1.
But I’m not your ‘daily dose’ kinda guy - besides there are enough insanely prolific writers out there to satisfy the daily need to be informed (many excellent, and addictive, thus my over subscription and resulting immobilisation from my own headspace to write). Thanks for having me on your list of things to read!
I’m not sure how much longer I will keep this post up as a sticky post, but if you have anything useful to add please let me know, and I hope it has been of some use to you and/or your friends and family.
What are your thoughts on why some countries are throwing in the towel (Britain, Ireland, Israel) and other like Aus and U.S. are doubling down on failure and aggressively pushing the restrictions?
Actually my wife said she's seen a podcast that explains the Australian situation/psychology - don't know any more than that but will have a listen soon.
To be honest I've completely misunderstood our own Australian culture - I thought we'd be "No way mate! Get out of our personal lives!" and stand up against the tyranny we are seeing. But no, we've swallowed the propaganda, signed up to the Covidian Cult reeducation program, and seem to have no problem getting locked away, jabbed with experimental juice, and walking around with medical masks as if the entire country is in pre-op (if they asked us to wear medical gloves as well I'm sure we'd comply).
The heroic Aussie who'd charge fearlessly into battle for family, country and honour, well they were either a myth or long since become extinct.
Anyway - I'll get back to you on your very important question.
Thank you, Winston. Yes, I am surprised at the Aussies. Perhaps there is tremendous media control there-? We have plenty of people here who've signed up too in spite of everything you've said. Anyway, would love to hear your thoughts.
Media in Australia is concentrated in (really) three sets of hands, all of which seem to be happy to push the government agenda. As to Australians and standing up - well, the studies I've done suggest strongly that the 'heroic Aussie' myth is just that, a myth. After all, the concept of the 'Lucky Country' that is often pushed comes from a book that was written as satire
The Gallipoli myth has been around since at least the mid-1920s, however it was definitely pushed again by Howard.
Ned Kelly is a difficult one on the heroic front, I have not enough research to stand on one side or the other (unlike Gallipoli), I think it is safe to say that most Australians these days would've turned him in rather than supported him though.
Rich, I can appreciate that you speak from a reasoned perspective.
Fair enough, but I have just been concentrating for the past couple of unliberated decades, on providing clean socks and hot dinners, thinking that smart menfolk were in charge ( lol), so, not that I presume to represent the masses, but I need you to spell things out for me, a dumbo.
It’s heartbreaking to observe from the outside. I’ve no idea how you survive exposure to it 24/7/365. In all likelihood, as embarrassed as it is to admit, I’m fairly certain I would have attempted to eat a bullet by now.
Here’s my two bobs’ worth on why Australia has had considerably more than its fair share of the headlines on Covid hysteria and unscientific, pointless, damaging and totalitarian ‘restictions’ in response to a middling virus (spoiler alert – it’s because of timing, seasonality and the Zero Covid fantasy).
When the global madness kicked off big time circa March 2020, Australia had come through it’s long summer season and was still in a hot, sunlight-rich early autumn, a season still quite hostile to viruses in general because of the UV radiation which viruses don’t like and because people were spending more time outdoors which is also unfavourable to virus spread.
So, whatever was being tested for by the PCR at the time (a mixture of influenza, common cold coronaviruses, possibly even some genuine SARS-CoV-2 – we don’t know because the PCR test can’t tell the difference) was only finding the relatively small prevalence of flu/coronaviruses which make up the usual ‘summer flu’/’summer cold’ phenomenon. Of course, this gave our useless politicians the idea that all the restictions they had imposed were responsible for the normal seasonal suppression of virus spread (the downhill bit of the William Farr bell-curve life-cycle of viral waxing and waning) and that Australia had found the right mix of restrictions whilst the rest of the world, where the virus was in winter heaven, was racking up big ‘case’ counts. This gave our political ‘elite’ and their Chief Health Morons the wacky notion that ‘Zero Covid’ was a real thing, that viruses could be suppressed by suppressing the movement of people and, ultimately, by a frenzied push for mass ‘vaccination’ (which is why, even though we have a 95% double-jabbed rate, the hate campaign against the unjabbed is so insane, including offering up the head of Novak Djokovic on a plate).
I still remember the heart-sinking dismay I experienced when my South Australian state Premier, the ‘Liberal’ Steven Marshall, gave a triumphant press conference after we had ‘successfully’ ‘flattened the curve’ and in a fit of hubris announced ‘now let’s get on and really beat this thing’. It was to be Total War against a pathogen.
It has failed, of course, but the friendly fire has worked to flatten the personal freedoms and civil liberties of the people. Our politicians are now so invested in their Zero-Covid-flavoured narrative of victory at all costs against the virus that they are yet to catch up with the rest of the world where the old narrative is collapsing faster than a fully-vaxxed footballer on the playing feld.
So, there we have it. The Lucky Country got real ‘lucky’ with the seasonal timing of the mania, which saw summer-autumn act as lead in the saddlebags of the virus, only to turn into our bad luck through consequent delusions of Zero Covid through maximum people suppression and mass hypodermic stabbing – which we are still stuck with.
I don’t think there’s any illusion over zero covid. A high school graduate understands that viruses aren’t controllable. And when they learned the vax didn’t prevent illness or transmission, instead of abandoning the ridiculous plan, it doubled down. Which makes it clear that the agenda comes first, logic and health second. They’re just pretending to care about covid.
I like the global conspiracy view. That sitting around the Cult's table playing virus games, the Cultists thought that landlocked countries could have little North Korea scenarios acted out. Just for the fun of course.
Thanks Phil for your two bob's worth (much more valuable that that I'd say), and I totally agree with how we had a lucky start which was misinterpreted as smart government policy. But it's still incredible that the average Aussie is continuing to go along with the narrative when clearly all has failed to contain the virus. I had a 80 year old tell me the other day that if 'they' (the elderly) get the virus they WILL die (nothing about any sort of survival rate - it's 100% fatal in her mind) - and other less extreme, yet not close to reality, perspectives that fuel the State Health Morons fantasies of being some sort of generals in a viral Armageddon.
The amount of information from Substack is, indeed, overwhelming at times. I try to prioritize what I consume starting with your posts, 95% of bad kitty’s posts, Kanekoa , and a few others. I do NOT miss Shitter at all at this point. The withdrawals you mentioned lasted a week or two, but its become nothing but a echo chamber for the mentally ill.
Yes Rich, I need to find that manageable place myself. I think some of the more technical writers, who seem to be able to output an incredible amount of data, is the weak point for me. I'm not a statistician, I should leave those ones alone.
I was just thinking that today. Concentrating on the politics at the moment but if my subscribers jumped I'd probably go in and add a few posts on the science side of it.
A middle class woman in her 40s in the fruiterers today, maskless, and smiling about it. Should have high-fived her on the way out. Camaraderie of the maskless. A good sign.
I subscribed to Toby's blog by doing a one month gift subscription to myself. I am hugely wary of any ongoing subscription, because I might have a different perspective over time, or the blogger might be a turncoat.
I do find that as soon as I pay money for a blog I have a much more critical attitude towards it. Some, having paid for a gift for a month I now am happy to delete.
I think that if my husband pays for Netflix and The Herald and The Times and TheTelegraph, and I don't go to any "cultural" events anymore, and the Cultists will be stealing my money, well I might as well send a little of it in the right direction.
However I am still a bit miserly in case I am a delusional conspiracy theorist. Lol.
Delusional conspiracy theorist or not, treat yourself! Better time spent reading some of these people than watching Netflix (in my humble yet correct opinion).
It is true that you probably have more focused attention on that which you pay for. This is an interesting space because as we subscribe we are investing in a person, more so than purchasing a magazine off the shelf, and so you become invested in a person. Even more interesting is investing in a person you know almost nothing about (like I'm investing in Eugyppius or The Good Citizen) - like me for example!
And certainly our perspectives can change over time, certainly my focus was more on the science of the jab at the beginning and the stats, but now I'm more interested in the philosophy and psychology of it all (which is partly my profession anyway), so I skim the headlines on much of the stats and spend more time on the psych.
Some Substacks that resonate with me at the moment are CJ Hopkins (although he doesn't write that often), The Good Citizen, Margaret Anna Alice, The Naked Emperor, Eugyppius. But I scan many of the others (if you look at my current list) and there's always gems. My problem is not in the scanning, but in the actual reading. I actually pay for some that I don't read much of (note to self: review what I'm paying for) - not that they are not worthy of the time but I just don't have the time.
Well bigfatpop I'm having to do the same - stricter priorities as to what I consume - I've only so much capacity and need to reserve some headspace to think clearly and intelligently about what I'm going to share myself. There's an illusion, I think, that we can have about the amount of media we consume and the difference it makes in our lives or the lives of those around us - when in fact it can just cripple us.
While I've noticed a few meager moves in the Aussie MSM to question the approved narrative, it's VERY little. I've yet to see ANYTHING on the UK dropping all COVID restrictions which was announced some days ago, and yet I have seen many items on Boris the party animal about to get bounced from the party leadership which happened seriously on the same day. Like you I have yet to get around to watching the interview with Dr Stephen Chavura (if that's the same one Mrs Smith showed you. (https://www.georgechristensen.com.au/podcast/chavura)
Why would Pfizer roll him? If they saw that their business model was threatened. BTW Glaxo Smith Klein bought out Pfizer in NZ in 2019, I wonder if that was a worldwide buyout.
But I understand where you're coming from. Maybe Boris is negotiating his contract?
A Substacker (memory fails me as to whom) said that Boris was shoulder-tapped because his father was a eugenicist. Since meritocracy is out, this is what we get.
Silly me I thought that Boris was being led down the garden path by his new wife.
Thank you, Winston. You took the words right out of me. I mean about the overwhelm of information flooding one's brain every day. It's exhausting and demoralising. I, too, stopped writing. It's just too much. But I do look forward to more of your astute analyses when you're regrounded, regrouped and ready.
Thanks for noticing. Yes, I have been quiet lately. My pen floweth not. I usually read rather than listen. I'll watch the occasional video. But as I said, I've been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information and intensity. I'm taking a break until the moment moves me. Looking forward to sharing more when I do.
What to say about the litter box for the school child that identifies as a cat. That we even need to say why this is wrong. Satire would explain it, but sadly messing with children's heads and hearts.
Children as sacrifice just like the injecting and masking of them.
Isn't it incredible that we'd even have to point out that this is just wrong. The mind boggles as to what companies will try to do to accommodate any schizophrenic or otherwise paranoid delusional workers!
Might be having too much red wine with my zinc and vitamin D.
I have sent your Reasons for not having the jab to an arty friend of mine who cares about me so much that he keeps emailing me on the subject.
I told him today that I know two people who have sometimes poor control over their lower legs and feet since having the injection.
He replied that his mother collapsed in the street after her booster and could not get her legs to work for a while and took forever to drag herself home.
My arty friend has at least read your Reasons, which is more than I can say about the three articles he has now sent me in retaliation: two from the BBC and one from Johns Hopkins University. He thinks that I am just being echo chamber, but seriously I can't waste my time reading stuff from bought liars.
Sure I could try and analyse them, but life is too short.
I know exactly what you mean. Much energy can be spent in a sort of sword play with papers and articles, both sides trying to convince the other, both sides accusing the other of being deluded.
I'm more careful now with where my energies go in this respect. I always want to be open, but that doesn't mean I'm compelled to exhaust myself with the propaganda from those who have sold out.
Life IS too short.
I know where I stand. The evidence is overwhelming for me. It's a hill I'm willing to die on.
It's nuts. He cares about me so wants to convince me to be injected. I care about him and want him not to be boosted.
I don't go along with this "My body, my choice": these "vaccines" should not be available for anyone to choose.
Years ago when I didn't have time to do anything other than work and care for my family, I would have fallen for this "vaccine" trick. And I imagine that a lot of people didn't think that they needed to be suspicious, they had busy lives and trusted that the government wasn't at war with them.
Here in NZ we have also, I thought, had the advantage of being late to the party, which meant we had more time to wake up, but only apparently if you were not too busy with your day job.
Another anecdote since you are a friendly listener: my Sydney domiciled sister, who wants me to be injected, told me that unvaxxed people were having Omicron parties and dying.
I asked her did she know any of these people or were they just in the MSM.
If people were falling dead in the streets and the vaccines were actually safe and effective, there would be no need for the government to resort to coercion and heavy handed tactics - everyone would be racing to be first in line.
What are your thoughts on why some countries are throwing in the towel (Britain, Ireland, Israel) and other like Aus and U.S. are doubling down on failure and aggressively pushing the restrictions?
Actually my wife said she's seen a podcast that explains the Australian situation/psychology - don't know any more than that but will have a listen soon.
To be honest I've completely misunderstood our own Australian culture - I thought we'd be "No way mate! Get out of our personal lives!" and stand up against the tyranny we are seeing. But no, we've swallowed the propaganda, signed up to the Covidian Cult reeducation program, and seem to have no problem getting locked away, jabbed with experimental juice, and walking around with medical masks as if the entire country is in pre-op (if they asked us to wear medical gloves as well I'm sure we'd comply).
The heroic Aussie who'd charge fearlessly into battle for family, country and honour, well they were either a myth or long since become extinct.
Anyway - I'll get back to you on your very important question.
Thank you, Winston. Yes, I am surprised at the Aussies. Perhaps there is tremendous media control there-? We have plenty of people here who've signed up too in spite of everything you've said. Anyway, would love to hear your thoughts.
Media in Australia is concentrated in (really) three sets of hands, all of which seem to be happy to push the government agenda. As to Australians and standing up - well, the studies I've done suggest strongly that the 'heroic Aussie' myth is just that, a myth. After all, the concept of the 'Lucky Country' that is often pushed comes from a book that was written as satire
Maybe since Gallipoli the movie and Howard the PM.
Ned Kelly was pretty heroic, a whole town is still dedicated to him, but he was hung by the establishment.
The Gallipoli myth has been around since at least the mid-1920s, however it was definitely pushed again by Howard.
Ned Kelly is a difficult one on the heroic front, I have not enough research to stand on one side or the other (unlike Gallipoli), I think it is safe to say that most Australians these days would've turned him in rather than supported him though.
I've read a book or two on him a long time ago. I think I can identify with him, his mother and his family.
in reference to WWI this is worth a listen https://www.georgechristensen.com.au/podcast/chavura
Looks like that's the truth!
"Lucky" was regarding the minerals, or so I understand.
Australia was a pretty good middle class society 30 years ago. Not so good 20 years ago, even worse 10 years ago and damned shitty now.
All done by Labor Governments in the main.
Rich, I can appreciate that you speak from a reasoned perspective.
Fair enough, but I have just been concentrating for the past couple of unliberated decades, on providing clean socks and hot dinners, thinking that smart menfolk were in charge ( lol), so, not that I presume to represent the masses, but I need you to spell things out for me, a dumbo.
It’s heartbreaking to observe from the outside. I’ve no idea how you survive exposure to it 24/7/365. In all likelihood, as embarrassed as it is to admit, I’m fairly certain I would have attempted to eat a bullet by now.
Suicide is way up - not talked about however - only know because I'm in that field as a day job.
No guns.
Here’s my two bobs’ worth on why Australia has had considerably more than its fair share of the headlines on Covid hysteria and unscientific, pointless, damaging and totalitarian ‘restictions’ in response to a middling virus (spoiler alert – it’s because of timing, seasonality and the Zero Covid fantasy).
When the global madness kicked off big time circa March 2020, Australia had come through it’s long summer season and was still in a hot, sunlight-rich early autumn, a season still quite hostile to viruses in general because of the UV radiation which viruses don’t like and because people were spending more time outdoors which is also unfavourable to virus spread.
So, whatever was being tested for by the PCR at the time (a mixture of influenza, common cold coronaviruses, possibly even some genuine SARS-CoV-2 – we don’t know because the PCR test can’t tell the difference) was only finding the relatively small prevalence of flu/coronaviruses which make up the usual ‘summer flu’/’summer cold’ phenomenon. Of course, this gave our useless politicians the idea that all the restictions they had imposed were responsible for the normal seasonal suppression of virus spread (the downhill bit of the William Farr bell-curve life-cycle of viral waxing and waning) and that Australia had found the right mix of restrictions whilst the rest of the world, where the virus was in winter heaven, was racking up big ‘case’ counts. This gave our political ‘elite’ and their Chief Health Morons the wacky notion that ‘Zero Covid’ was a real thing, that viruses could be suppressed by suppressing the movement of people and, ultimately, by a frenzied push for mass ‘vaccination’ (which is why, even though we have a 95% double-jabbed rate, the hate campaign against the unjabbed is so insane, including offering up the head of Novak Djokovic on a plate).
I still remember the heart-sinking dismay I experienced when my South Australian state Premier, the ‘Liberal’ Steven Marshall, gave a triumphant press conference after we had ‘successfully’ ‘flattened the curve’ and in a fit of hubris announced ‘now let’s get on and really beat this thing’. It was to be Total War against a pathogen.
It has failed, of course, but the friendly fire has worked to flatten the personal freedoms and civil liberties of the people. Our politicians are now so invested in their Zero-Covid-flavoured narrative of victory at all costs against the virus that they are yet to catch up with the rest of the world where the old narrative is collapsing faster than a fully-vaxxed footballer on the playing feld.
So, there we have it. The Lucky Country got real ‘lucky’ with the seasonal timing of the mania, which saw summer-autumn act as lead in the saddlebags of the virus, only to turn into our bad luck through consequent delusions of Zero Covid through maximum people suppression and mass hypodermic stabbing – which we are still stuck with.
I don’t think there’s any illusion over zero covid. A high school graduate understands that viruses aren’t controllable. And when they learned the vax didn’t prevent illness or transmission, instead of abandoning the ridiculous plan, it doubled down. Which makes it clear that the agenda comes first, logic and health second. They’re just pretending to care about covid.
I like the global conspiracy view. That sitting around the Cult's table playing virus games, the Cultists thought that landlocked countries could have little North Korea scenarios acted out. Just for the fun of course.
Thanks Phil for your two bob's worth (much more valuable that that I'd say), and I totally agree with how we had a lucky start which was misinterpreted as smart government policy. But it's still incredible that the average Aussie is continuing to go along with the narrative when clearly all has failed to contain the virus. I had a 80 year old tell me the other day that if 'they' (the elderly) get the virus they WILL die (nothing about any sort of survival rate - it's 100% fatal in her mind) - and other less extreme, yet not close to reality, perspectives that fuel the State Health Morons fantasies of being some sort of generals in a viral Armageddon.
Here's the podcast https://www.georgechristensen.com.au/podcast/chavura
Interesting take on us Aussies.
The amount of information from Substack is, indeed, overwhelming at times. I try to prioritize what I consume starting with your posts, 95% of bad kitty’s posts, Kanekoa , and a few others. I do NOT miss Shitter at all at this point. The withdrawals you mentioned lasted a week or two, but its become nothing but a echo chamber for the mentally ill.
I find as long as I don't subscribe to too many of the larger accounts on Substack that the 20 or so I'm following are quite manageable.
Yes Rich, I need to find that manageable place myself. I think some of the more technical writers, who seem to be able to output an incredible amount of data, is the weak point for me. I'm not a statistician, I should leave those ones alone.
I don't need any further convincing that the injections are poison and that government lies, so I don't spend much time on those blogs.
Good to read what to expect next and what others are doing about it eg the truckers and important to read Oz and NZ Substacks.
I was just thinking that today. Concentrating on the politics at the moment but if my subscribers jumped I'd probably go in and add a few posts on the science side of it.
A middle class woman in her 40s in the fruiterers today, maskless, and smiling about it. Should have high-fived her on the way out. Camaraderie of the maskless. A good sign.
I smile at the maskless.
I must be paid for doing it as there is no other reward.
It would be interesting to hear which recent blogs have hit home for you.
Toby Roger's "Car Radio" certainly made me jump out of just trying to see things from my perspective.
I think that I have had enough of my perspective anyway.
I subscribed to Toby's blog by doing a one month gift subscription to myself. I am hugely wary of any ongoing subscription, because I might have a different perspective over time, or the blogger might be a turncoat.
I do find that as soon as I pay money for a blog I have a much more critical attitude towards it. Some, having paid for a gift for a month I now am happy to delete.
Paying focusses the grey matter.
Ah that's a good idea. I was thinking that I'd shift my subscriptions around and that's an ideal way of doing it.
Stegiel is writing some interesting stuff. FrankGL has the occasional gem but it comes with a distinctive style & some witchcraft....
Jessica Rose and Colleen Huber. John Raymond for Pope's collusion. Michael Tracey is quite good. Niccolo Soldo.
On the other hand Geert van den Boche is looking like a one trick pony and is out of date.
I doubt that I'm going to be able to contribute much in the next 9 months or so as have decided to upgrade the letters after my name.
Some I have done the "Buy me a coffee" option.
That is my favourite.
I think that if my husband pays for Netflix and The Herald and The Times and TheTelegraph, and I don't go to any "cultural" events anymore, and the Cultists will be stealing my money, well I might as well send a little of it in the right direction.
However I am still a bit miserly in case I am a delusional conspiracy theorist. Lol.
Delusional conspiracy theorist or not, treat yourself! Better time spent reading some of these people than watching Netflix (in my humble yet correct opinion).
It is true that you probably have more focused attention on that which you pay for. This is an interesting space because as we subscribe we are investing in a person, more so than purchasing a magazine off the shelf, and so you become invested in a person. Even more interesting is investing in a person you know almost nothing about (like I'm investing in Eugyppius or The Good Citizen) - like me for example!
And certainly our perspectives can change over time, certainly my focus was more on the science of the jab at the beginning and the stats, but now I'm more interested in the philosophy and psychology of it all (which is partly my profession anyway), so I skim the headlines on much of the stats and spend more time on the psych.
Some Substacks that resonate with me at the moment are CJ Hopkins (although he doesn't write that often), The Good Citizen, Margaret Anna Alice, The Naked Emperor, Eugyppius. But I scan many of the others (if you look at my current list) and there's always gems. My problem is not in the scanning, but in the actual reading. I actually pay for some that I don't read much of (note to self: review what I'm paying for) - not that they are not worthy of the time but I just don't have the time.
I like the Substacks which you mention, but although I know that Eugyppius is hugely smart, he downplays the global cabal aspect.
Laurence Flynn's, "The Renegade Mind" suits my outlook.
Naomi Wolf has a new Substack, her of "The Beauty Myth" days. She has upset a lot of people over the years so that makes her interesting to read.
Of course a value in many Substacks can be the links found in some of the comments.
Well bigfatpop I'm having to do the same - stricter priorities as to what I consume - I've only so much capacity and need to reserve some headspace to think clearly and intelligently about what I'm going to share myself. There's an illusion, I think, that we can have about the amount of media we consume and the difference it makes in our lives or the lives of those around us - when in fact it can just cripple us.
While I've noticed a few meager moves in the Aussie MSM to question the approved narrative, it's VERY little. I've yet to see ANYTHING on the UK dropping all COVID restrictions which was announced some days ago, and yet I have seen many items on Boris the party animal about to get bounced from the party leadership which happened seriously on the same day. Like you I have yet to get around to watching the interview with Dr Stephen Chavura (if that's the same one Mrs Smith showed you. (https://www.georgechristensen.com.au/podcast/chavura)
Johnson rolls the pfizer agenda, pfizer attempts to roll Johnson.
Why would Pfizer want to roll Boris? Up till now anyway? He is a Cult member and friend of Gates.
Doesn't Gates just love having his photo taken with people? Provides incriminating evidence of collusion for all to see. Up front blackmail.
Boris wasn't on song in March 2020 and doesn't seem to be on song now.
Was this theater or an attempt on his life?
Why would Pfizer roll him? If they saw that their business model was threatened. BTW Glaxo Smith Klein bought out Pfizer in NZ in 2019, I wonder if that was a worldwide buyout.
But I understand where you're coming from. Maybe Boris is negotiating his contract?
A Substacker (memory fails me as to whom) said that Boris was shoulder-tapped because his father was a eugenicist. Since meritocracy is out, this is what we get.
Silly me I thought that Boris was being led down the garden path by his new wife.
"Glaxo builds bonnie babies."
I still see the old Glaxo factory at Bunnythorpe.
Thank you, Winston. You took the words right out of me. I mean about the overwhelm of information flooding one's brain every day. It's exhausting and demoralising. I, too, stopped writing. It's just too much. But I do look forward to more of your astute analyses when you're regrounded, regrouped and ready.
Hi Navyo, I noticed your quietness.
Do you prefer reading blogs or listening to podcasts?
Personally I find podcasts too slow, unless they have a speed up option.
I think it safe to assume that Substackers prefer the written word.
Winston has referenced a few podcasts here, but it will be a real effort for me to attend to them.
All the best to you.
Thanks for noticing. Yes, I have been quiet lately. My pen floweth not. I usually read rather than listen. I'll watch the occasional video. But as I said, I've been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information and intensity. I'm taking a break until the moment moves me. Looking forward to sharing more when I do.
Great mirror image!
What to say about the litter box for the school child that identifies as a cat. That we even need to say why this is wrong. Satire would explain it, but sadly messing with children's heads and hearts.
Children as sacrifice just like the injecting and masking of them.
Isn't it incredible that we'd even have to point out that this is just wrong. The mind boggles as to what companies will try to do to accommodate any schizophrenic or otherwise paranoid delusional workers!
Winston, I am taking over your comments tonight.
Might be having too much red wine with my zinc and vitamin D.
I have sent your Reasons for not having the jab to an arty friend of mine who cares about me so much that he keeps emailing me on the subject.
I told him today that I know two people who have sometimes poor control over their lower legs and feet since having the injection.
He replied that his mother collapsed in the street after her booster and could not get her legs to work for a while and took forever to drag herself home.
Good on you! Take over please lol. And thanks for passing on the Reasons to your arty friend!
He will be confirmed in his idea of my craziness when he reads about the parasites!!
My arty friend has at least read your Reasons, which is more than I can say about the three articles he has now sent me in retaliation: two from the BBC and one from Johns Hopkins University. He thinks that I am just being echo chamber, but seriously I can't waste my time reading stuff from bought liars.
Sure I could try and analyse them, but life is too short.
I know exactly what you mean. Much energy can be spent in a sort of sword play with papers and articles, both sides trying to convince the other, both sides accusing the other of being deluded.
I'm more careful now with where my energies go in this respect. I always want to be open, but that doesn't mean I'm compelled to exhaust myself with the propaganda from those who have sold out.
Life IS too short.
I know where I stand. The evidence is overwhelming for me. It's a hill I'm willing to die on.
It's nuts. He cares about me so wants to convince me to be injected. I care about him and want him not to be boosted.
I don't go along with this "My body, my choice": these "vaccines" should not be available for anyone to choose.
Years ago when I didn't have time to do anything other than work and care for my family, I would have fallen for this "vaccine" trick. And I imagine that a lot of people didn't think that they needed to be suspicious, they had busy lives and trusted that the government wasn't at war with them.
Here in NZ we have also, I thought, had the advantage of being late to the party, which meant we had more time to wake up, but only apparently if you were not too busy with your day job.
Another anecdote since you are a friendly listener: my Sydney domiciled sister, who wants me to be injected, told me that unvaxxed people were having Omicron parties and dying.
I asked her did she know any of these people or were they just in the MSM.
That was over a week ago and she hasn't replied.
If people were falling dead in the streets and the vaccines were actually safe and effective, there would be no need for the government to resort to coercion and heavy handed tactics - everyone would be racing to be first in line.