While I agree completely, and have posted a couple of stacks on it, the problem is in your opening: this - entire - election will swing on the female vote - because abortion.

IMO Trump & Vance need to go scorched earth on illegals, on administration lawbreakers, on cabinet officials violating the law on a daily basis … but first they must get elected. They’re walking a fine line between the base - which wants all illegals deported - you know, that whole rule of law thing - and women who vote 95% empathy.

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The abortion push since the late 60s is a reflection of Psychopathy infiltrating a society. A diminishing of human empathy/compassion. For one's own unborn children. How much worse can it be than that?

When you have a death culture, it is equivalent to a Psychopathic totalitarian culture. See the work of Andrew Lobaczewski on this. Or the work of Iain McGilchrist on functions of the brain hemispheres, and what happens in outer reality when they are imbalanced.

That so many women have fallen so low is profoundly disturbing. And I say that as a woman myself.

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Yes, A. Excellent.

The progressive death cult relies upon the broken minds and perverted (inverted) morality that serves to define - and bitterly protect, that broken identity.

Much of the cluster-B that dominates the commons is due to this inverted morality embodied by the broken women animating the narrative and the social infrastructure.

While their identity is inherently fragile, as it is built upon lies, this fragility is terribly destructive and carries with it a multitude of costs that are socialized across society.

In the same way the individual afflicted by this constellation of dysfunction suffers from the dissonance, depression, anxiety, disassociation, and all the rest that the medical industrial complex "treats" with widespread psychotropics that carry a whole other load of second order effects.

The discourse around the long march through the institutions often stops short of its intent. Capturing social infrastructure and State bureaucracy is downstream of capturing the mind, and I argue further, the soul.

This begins with the children and of course ends with the ritual abuse and ultimately the murder of the unborn children; the apex of the death cult.

The fact that this "issue" remains to be the most powerful, even if in reality it is primarily a product of the media-industrial complex as a propaganda tool*, says everything we need to know about the other side.

And yet we insist on negotiating with them, while accepting their premise, and seeking some sort of compromise. IOW, the ratchet of progress, how Cthulhu always swims left.

*It is important to remember that the psychological front of the spiritual war finds great purchase in the pluralistic ignorance manufactured from the media echo chambers. The Narrative would have us all believe that most people are fine with killing babies when in fact most find it abhorrent but have been conditioned to self-censor and defer to the hive in order to retain their social station.

A litmus of the death cult's grip on the identity of even its most passive adherents is to just say the worlds out loud and watch how the individual reflexively recoil and emote and draw incongruent ire. It is personal; it is their identity. To matter-of-fact state the truth that they are indeed in a death cult triggers their ego defense like nothing else.

Not to get all Biblical, but I will. We are all fallen, in a fallen world. The spiritual war afoot is a defining feature of our time and place, as it always has been. But indeed, the women have fallen.

The modern iteration of the serpent talks to the girls for the same reason as the original - and in the same way our men continue to fail the test by abdicating headship and responsibility in favor of their own submission to the feminized social order that defines our time.

And I say that as a man. Most men disgust me with their cowardice. We all suffer from a great deficit of courage.

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I agree with your well-expressed thoughts, DV. The mind and soul are captured first. Society follows. Women sacrifice their unborn children to the gods of the underworld, in exchange for being thought "progressive". Enslaved by their own vanities. And the loss of the spirit meant to flow through human societies.

An older piece from the Substack of "The Abbey of Misrule":


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Meanwhile why not check out these two references which describe the applied politics of right-wing Christian true believers.



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"...anyone ... as a conservative must reject the liberal narrative wholesale. It is completely institutionally controlled, and if people decide to play that game on their turf, they will lose, because the artificial ‘facts’ and ‘information’ is all propaganda engineered to favour the left."

This is, and has been, the change that is needed to the "conservative playbook' for at least the past generation of conservative politics. The gee, golly, gosh days died a long time ago. And unfortunately, we are now on the precipice of fulfilling the Marxist/Maoist dream of "fundamentally transforming America", for the worse.

The left has pinned their quest for power on the votes of the AWFL, the illegal alien and the metrosexual court eunuchs of urban America. And of course, don't forget their ability to manipulate the above with a captured media, that blasts it's 2 minutes hate on every channel at every opportunity.

34 days are left as I write this, and I have lost all patience with those who support the left. I ask why? and get nothing of reason, only emotive, and mostly lies and fallacy. I have given up on them. They can self correct and admit mistake, or they can be forever cast out of my circle, for I shall no longer suffer fools, tyrants or the minions of evil.

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Once again, the corporate fascists and investment bankers who gather at the trough in DC are intentionally mislabeled as leftists. There is nothing vaguely leftist about them. There are real leftists who offer hope, and who expose that Harris and Trump are but strawberry and chocolate flavored fascism, but you will never mention them , will you. Vaccines, world war, the control of our society by corporations,all this was backed by republicans democrats and of course Trump himself.

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Kindness and professionalism have no place in a fight for our very lives and livelihoods. The looney left/communists have zero respect for us as evidenced by nearly everything that has been done and/or undone in the just the last 4-5 years but for decades. They do not think in terms of kindness nor professionalism, no, their buzzwords are subjugate, marginalize, reprogram, and eugenics or genocide. Vance is a smart guy who could’ve shut Walz down at every turn and made Walz dissolve into word salad since that’s all both he and Harris are capable.

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