Great article Winston Corbett's interview was excellent. Very thought provoking where it is pointed out that we can see those who seem to be king pins as being important but in reality they are just one spider operating in a massive web, and that such shenanigans have been operating for many, many years.
Yes, the visible vs hidden aspect is interesting to explore. To me most of the visible have always struck me as characters. Their wealth being obscene and oft referenced in the "media". The reason for this is part of that question. Actors indeed. Well paid, indeed, but as to their actual power, independent of the fortune and social standing constantly being communicated, is a different matter to ponder.
People like Klaus, who embody as literal Bond Villains, vibrate my bullsh*t antennae as just another high-Mach, dark-triad, business development officer.
What my otherwise unremarkable experience in GloboCapital shenanigans as a "tip of the spear" dealmaker impressed upon me was two important lessons of power. The first being that a lot of what we consider to be personal power is really an aggregation of resources. The second being that we rarely see the people who hold the actual power, but instead transact with a stable of people who are managers of those nodes of resources. That management - or bizdev, in the case of transaction managers, is for all intents seen as power from those on the outside and most on the inside because they very well have a lot of discretionary reach, but there is always a point inside the system where the reality and the theater diverge. Where the true insiders know whats what.
To get there, of course, you not only have to have already kissed the ring, but you have to subordinate absolutely everything else. [Insert Adrenachrome and pedo island referecnes here].
These two ideas of power may seem like a distinction without a difference - and admittedly I'm not sold entirely because there is still the rubber-hits-the-road reality for most that power is money is power, but when plumbing the depths of globohomo cabals and whatnot, there is something to be said for the difference between a true shot-caller and the emergent behavior of those in the various nodes whose aspirational status and contingent wealth accumulation relies upon mimicking just as the murmuration of starlings has the flocks appearing to be under some kind of control we just cannot see.
Good observations and the distinctions are worth teasing out (which is what I think Whitney is doing - I'll need to read the book myself). And to your last point on emerging behavior, I think we can all perceive a mass movement (of thought & action) gaining momentum that does not have any single point of origin or clearly defined engine - but like a tsunami moving under the surface, we are now seeing it coming into shallower waters and rising up. Which molecules of water are responsible for the tsunami?
Graphs rock! Really drive the point home, like, dead down onto the living room table, next to unpardoned bird's leftovers. It's not for nothing they say a pic is worth... how many words? Methinks ymmv as to the number of zeros tailing the leading 1 😏
Wrt the persistent zombie myth the institutional journalism can somehow ever prioritise truth.
↓↓ Attributed to famous journo John Swinton as said at NYC‘s Twilight Club, on April 12, 1883. Not even the last century, mind you, the one before!
🗨 here is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print.
I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with…The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon…
You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an “Independent Press”! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.
All the more reason to support truth tellers (or at least those attempting to discern the truth) on Substack - while the opportunity still exists [insert compelling ad for financially supporting Winston].
Some peeps w/ eyes & hearts open wander outside mass formations carrying aversion to commitments like subscriptions. No idea how large my cohort is, but I do know quite a few. Doesn’t seem Winston cares about ‘em much: alternative options would grace fin support menu were it otherwise 😝
I think it is important to remember always that tyranny is self-defeating.
It doesn't matter whether we call this global communism or any other name, it is a tyranny that will fail, like all previous tyrannies.
High-tech is not going to make any difference in the outcome.
And remember also that ideology and ideological posession are defects and not virtues, and no amount of computers can change that, or make it look different. All inebriations always grind to a painful and dehydrated stop.
'tis true - the question is, just how long will it take before the tyranny is self-defeated. History shows that millions can die at the hands of such tyranny before their cup overflows.
Some estimates indicate that in the 23 months since the real bioweapon was dropped, there are already several millions of mortal victims. We are either in the greatest extermination war ever, or we have also been fooled with the mass culling of people.
Perhaps the main purpose of the crime was only mass sterilization of billions, and the deaths were an inevitable outcome that was accounted for.
But whatever it is, and who is it really doing it, we have no where to go. So we have to fight or die. But this is not the battle of the Somme, this is total warfare, unlitmited, and we are now in the phase of mass fog of war. We cannot do much until more people accept the reality of the situation. We have done a lot already: the monkeypox hoax was demolished and a lot of normies resisting to wake up have been refusing all vaccines, even for their pets.
According to Dowd, interest rates hikes are coming soon. That may be the lifting of the veil for tens of millions. I don't know what happens after that.
I am determined to do all I can to survive this, earn the peace and freedom, and then cry for the victims, and pay tribute by helping to write the history of this man-made catastrophe.
Good shout out to Whitney, have linked her for several years. Also, thanks for the reference to the Network Analysis Corona Complex (Netzwerkanalyse-Corona-Komplex). Will be checking it out. Linking as usual, Winston @
Great article Winston Corbett's interview was excellent. Very thought provoking where it is pointed out that we can see those who seem to be king pins as being important but in reality they are just one spider operating in a massive web, and that such shenanigans have been operating for many, many years.
Yes really interesting - thinking the two volume book would be good to get as reference material - maybe also to summarize parts for this readership.
That would be great. You probably have more time ( and ability) to summarize 900 pages 🙄
LOL - I'd need to somehow carve out that time - my greatest challenge. Need to slowly reduce the 'day jobs' so I can devote more the this.
Yes, the visible vs hidden aspect is interesting to explore. To me most of the visible have always struck me as characters. Their wealth being obscene and oft referenced in the "media". The reason for this is part of that question. Actors indeed. Well paid, indeed, but as to their actual power, independent of the fortune and social standing constantly being communicated, is a different matter to ponder.
People like Klaus, who embody as literal Bond Villains, vibrate my bullsh*t antennae as just another high-Mach, dark-triad, business development officer.
What my otherwise unremarkable experience in GloboCapital shenanigans as a "tip of the spear" dealmaker impressed upon me was two important lessons of power. The first being that a lot of what we consider to be personal power is really an aggregation of resources. The second being that we rarely see the people who hold the actual power, but instead transact with a stable of people who are managers of those nodes of resources. That management - or bizdev, in the case of transaction managers, is for all intents seen as power from those on the outside and most on the inside because they very well have a lot of discretionary reach, but there is always a point inside the system where the reality and the theater diverge. Where the true insiders know whats what.
To get there, of course, you not only have to have already kissed the ring, but you have to subordinate absolutely everything else. [Insert Adrenachrome and pedo island referecnes here].
These two ideas of power may seem like a distinction without a difference - and admittedly I'm not sold entirely because there is still the rubber-hits-the-road reality for most that power is money is power, but when plumbing the depths of globohomo cabals and whatnot, there is something to be said for the difference between a true shot-caller and the emergent behavior of those in the various nodes whose aspirational status and contingent wealth accumulation relies upon mimicking just as the murmuration of starlings has the flocks appearing to be under some kind of control we just cannot see.
Good observations and the distinctions are worth teasing out (which is what I think Whitney is doing - I'll need to read the book myself). And to your last point on emerging behavior, I think we can all perceive a mass movement (of thought & action) gaining momentum that does not have any single point of origin or clearly defined engine - but like a tsunami moving under the surface, we are now seeing it coming into shallower waters and rising up. Which molecules of water are responsible for the tsunami?
Oh, and as for my tsunami metaphor, the tsunami is not the entire ocean - thank God!
Keep shining the light on these evil pricks! Thank you.
Graphs rock! Really drive the point home, like, dead down onto the living room table, next to unpardoned bird's leftovers. It's not for nothing they say a pic is worth... how many words? Methinks ymmv as to the number of zeros tailing the leading 1 😏
Wrt the persistent zombie myth the institutional journalism can somehow ever prioritise truth.
↓↓ Attributed to famous journo John Swinton as said at NYC‘s Twilight Club, on April 12, 1883. Not even the last century, mind you, the one before!
🗨 here is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print.
I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with…The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon…
You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an “Independent Press”! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.
So it goes 🤷
All the more reason to support truth tellers (or at least those attempting to discern the truth) on Substack - while the opportunity still exists [insert compelling ad for financially supporting Winston].
Some peeps w/ eyes & hearts open wander outside mass formations carrying aversion to commitments like subscriptions. No idea how large my cohort is, but I do know quite a few. Doesn’t seem Winston cares about ‘em much: alternative options would grace fin support menu were it otherwise 😝
I think it is important to remember always that tyranny is self-defeating.
It doesn't matter whether we call this global communism or any other name, it is a tyranny that will fail, like all previous tyrannies.
High-tech is not going to make any difference in the outcome.
And remember also that ideology and ideological posession are defects and not virtues, and no amount of computers can change that, or make it look different. All inebriations always grind to a painful and dehydrated stop.
'tis true - the question is, just how long will it take before the tyranny is self-defeated. History shows that millions can die at the hands of such tyranny before their cup overflows.
Some estimates indicate that in the 23 months since the real bioweapon was dropped, there are already several millions of mortal victims. We are either in the greatest extermination war ever, or we have also been fooled with the mass culling of people.
Perhaps the main purpose of the crime was only mass sterilization of billions, and the deaths were an inevitable outcome that was accounted for.
But whatever it is, and who is it really doing it, we have no where to go. So we have to fight or die. But this is not the battle of the Somme, this is total warfare, unlitmited, and we are now in the phase of mass fog of war. We cannot do much until more people accept the reality of the situation. We have done a lot already: the monkeypox hoax was demolished and a lot of normies resisting to wake up have been refusing all vaccines, even for their pets.
According to Dowd, interest rates hikes are coming soon. That may be the lifting of the veil for tens of millions. I don't know what happens after that.
I am determined to do all I can to survive this, earn the peace and freedom, and then cry for the victims, and pay tribute by helping to write the history of this man-made catastrophe.
certainly we are in the midst of a war and we are akin to the underground of last centuries wars.
It will be interesting as the west plunges into depression over the next few years just how many will wake up to what's been going on.
Good shout out to Whitney, have linked her for several years. Also, thanks for the reference to the Network Analysis Corona Complex (Netzwerkanalyse-Corona-Komplex). Will be checking it out. Linking as usual, Winston @