He says "These writings should make clear that we all very badly need to stop believing what we read and see and hear non-stop, on any subject, because the Western media today is just as brazenly deceptive as the Nazi press—in this case an especially apt analogy, because this latest propaganda drive has totally blacked out the neo-Nazi current in the history of Ukraine, especially since 2014; and if we don’t know about that, we cannot fully grasp what’s happening over there."
Now geopolitics and the history of such is not my area - so I can't add anything of value to understanding this war - but it's very disturbing now that we can't believe anything coming from media or government (maybe it's always been like this and I've just been deluded, I don't know). This is the place where we need some solid point of reference for life, some absolute truth. And for me that's my faith in God, and some sense of purposefulness, despite the seeming chaos of the world. I hope all my readers have found something solid to hang onto in this storm, because we sure do need that anchor right now!
It's hard to think that our government here in America will make either the morally or strategically correct decisions regarding Ukraine based on The Big Guy's former grifting in the region or the way we abandoned people and equipment in Afghanistan.
I think you will find Amazing Polly’s October 2019 analysis of the WEF web of corruption in the Ukraine (h/t SimoneN) highly illuminating:
Will check it out - thanks Margaret.
Here's another take by Mark Crispin Miller https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/now-that-covids-over-were-all-getting -
He says "These writings should make clear that we all very badly need to stop believing what we read and see and hear non-stop, on any subject, because the Western media today is just as brazenly deceptive as the Nazi press—in this case an especially apt analogy, because this latest propaganda drive has totally blacked out the neo-Nazi current in the history of Ukraine, especially since 2014; and if we don’t know about that, we cannot fully grasp what’s happening over there."
Now geopolitics and the history of such is not my area - so I can't add anything of value to understanding this war - but it's very disturbing now that we can't believe anything coming from media or government (maybe it's always been like this and I've just been deluded, I don't know). This is the place where we need some solid point of reference for life, some absolute truth. And for me that's my faith in God, and some sense of purposefulness, despite the seeming chaos of the world. I hope all my readers have found something solid to hang onto in this storm, because we sure do need that anchor right now!
It's hard to think that our government here in America will make either the morally or strategically correct decisions regarding Ukraine based on The Big Guy's former grifting in the region or the way we abandoned people and equipment in Afghanistan.