I'm gonna vote for Trump and hope he wins because I think it really bothers TPTB that their propaganda no longer works. Plus I want to watch Jake Fapper cry like a little bitch.

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I want so much to see the Republican party go. Just go. They are feckless, useless, do-nothing sell-outs. I recall in 2016 the first and biggest disappointment, and one that would foreshadow other equally awful picks, was Trump making Reince Priebus his chief of staff.

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During the run up to the 2020 election I made the mistake of donating to Donald Trump's campaign. This go around I have been bombarded, deluged and hectored unmercifully by donation solicitations for Trump. The pleading, begging, promising, pandering and outright shameless and ridiculous things said in these messages is enough to turn one's stomach. Obviously, they think Trump supporters are ignorant, guileless naive rubes, stupid enough to fall for their blather. As a result I will not donate. I don't even want to vote for him or anyone currently leaching off the American taxpayers and actively working against everyone but themselves. If Trump isn't part of this nefarious cabal, he will be assassinated before or shortly after he's elected. But I think he probably is part of it, or the PTB plan to make him the scapegoat for whatever egregious evil they have planned. It's a no win from the get go.

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Good analysis once again, Winston. Linking it tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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It is so hard to discern who is actually a genuine America first Republican versus the Straussian ones as they’re very good at being deceptive.

Rebel news was really pushing Ben Shapiro, I listened to him in an interview once with Candace Owens and I thought she sounded a lot more honest and genuine than he did. The neo cons are easy to identify as are the RINO’s but I had thought JD Vance was a genuine America first guy so shows how little I know. I’m not American but in Canada we’re praying hard for America to free itself from the grips of the foreign powers that have taken it over as then we will all have at least a fighting chance here in the West. Grim times.

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Watch Peter Navarro to figure out what Trump has up his sleeve…

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I agree that the Straussian wing of the Uniparty establishment torpedoed nearly all of Trump's first term. His few gains in deregulation, tariffs to balance foreign trade manipulations and some tax reduction, were overshadowed by the subterfuge that derailed border security and the wall, and of course the covid plandemic debacle.

I'm not 100% sure about your evaluations of the VP candidates (although your take on Nikki is actually too kind). But we rarely get to see the real person in front of the cameras, only the theatrical persona.

There must be a sequential focus, get elected with a "too big to rig" landslide and then begin the process of reducing the size of the government mill stone that is drowning the US citizen.

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For those interested, this is O'Brien's take on Straussian Conservatives https://notesfromthepast.substack.com/p/the-fake-conservatives-deceiving

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