What is CERN? Freaky videos, whatever they are...

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CERN is a particle accelerator in Europe.

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Thank you! We have one here in the great state of Illinois (or Hellinois, as we downstaters say haha)

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Been reading up and becoming highly suspicious of 5G for some years now. Yeah, I am a flake.

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Here's the explanation of what's actually happening, from someone who should know ~ the parent of 2 vaccine-injured children:

> https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/15-videos-of-people-all-around-the/comment/8741634

Although 5G and many other tyrannical issues are of grave concern, we don't have to go there with this. The "vaccines" alone are sufficient to explain these horrific, and potentially deadly, Grand Mal Seizures.

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Some of those videos are Chinese. China mass vaxxed their population but didn't use Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines

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As indicated in the link I shared above, vaccines do *not* need to contain mRNA to wreak this kind of havoc. For example, childhood vaccines are damaging enough in their own right: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/538b4798ca4f

The mRNA jabs just create their own unique kind of hell:

> Spike Protein: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/42d5dfc283c3

> Lipid Nanoparticles: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/aa4c3cff8fda

> Pandemic of Adverse Events: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/c23221be5889

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Nearly all vaccines are toxic, RFK, Jr., has been warning us about this for years, now. If nothing else good comes of this plandemic, at least more people are discussing the need to vaccinate our children at all.

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Agree 100% on all counts!

RFK, Jr. is one of the greatest leaders ~ and heroes ~ of our time, as evidenced in his soul-stirring speech in Italy last November:

> https://odysee.com/@LongXXvids:c/Kennedy-Milan-13.11.2021:3

Also, by way of interest, I recently learned that Kennedy's vocal "spasmodic dysphonia" developed after having had a flu shot, so he has intimately personal experience with the dangers of vaccines:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_643706803a8e_7f5e35a7abe1_eb996803

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I believe I heard him say something to that effect a long time ago in one of his talks about the dangers of vaccines. But it was his research, more of less forced on him by mothers of vaccine-injured autistic children, that got him started on the pharma industry. I, too, have long since lost that link. I ddi want to share this one with you, though, as it was an eye-opener for me. You may already have seen it. Take care.


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Thanks for sharing this link. l've seen references to this video many times before, but have not yet watched it ~ so I appreciate the prompt to take a closer look.

I also remember Kennedy's story about the mother who showed up on his doorstep with a huge stack of data and an ultimatum: she wasn't going to leave until he sat down and read this information on childhood vaccine injuries . . . and the rest is history . . . .

Thanks also for the confirmation on the story about his own vaccine injury. Glad to have this verification from another source.

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Great link! I must have missed this one from Mark - I’ll put it in the post.

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What is CERN?

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massive particle reactor buried underground in switzerland where physicists have been searching for answers about the "universe". Though it could be where Klaus Schwab goes to massage Yuval Harari's particle reactor.

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Ha! Alas, Yuval wouldn't know a quark from a hadron. He's strictly a dystopian futurist.

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European nuclear research. Type in your search box CERN as it’s a lot to explain

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Looks like “Focal aware seizures” caused by brain damage https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/brain,-spinal-cord,-and-nerve-disorders/seizure-disorders/seizure-disorders#v738680

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I've been saying some of the crazy, unexplained illnesses could be 5G. I have been hearing that some young person (teen) who had a massive heart attack was not vaxed. 1. who knows whether they did or did not get the jab? 2. could it be 5G

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This reminds me of videos circulating late 2019... People collapsing in the streets, around five months later the world went mad.

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5G? Heck, I've been looking over my shoulder since 3G rolled out and imploded WTC7. The worst part is I never actually got decent coverage on my 3G phone before they forced me to upgrade to 5G, which now works everywhere but within 1,000' of my home.

Ever since the Chinese people dropping dead in the street from "covid" scam I can't take any of it seriously. Those little mashups of doom helped destroy my livelihood.

Ah, how I miss the simpler days in which the quaintness of progressive moral panic was the only miasma. It is truly the era of the amygdala.

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I knew a man once who was a prophet of God, heard God's messenger and followed His will. He was always being attacked by things you couldn't see. The things caused him terrible pain, to cough up copious amount of blood, to have rashes, heart attacks, etc. When I asked him how this was done, he told me it was caused by demonic beings, or human empaths who use their minds like a weapon. He always called it the Alien Mind. His only defense was God.

CERN was said to have opened up a portal for demonic spirits, sort of like Peter Hamilton's "The Reality Dysfunction" series. Don't know myself, the Alien Mind has been here for our entire generation, the Tares as JeSus spoke in His Parable of the Wheat and the Tares.

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"Keep it simple stupid"

What changed in 2021 and 2022?


I don't care if it's not MRNA, it's still chemicals and other crap injected directly into the body, bypassing the natural filtration that the digestive system does

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The train footage at least wasn’t staged.

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If it was you’d hope his family got a big payout - just kidding - couldn’t be staged, your right.

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Years ago I had a grand mal episode so chances are he wasn’t conscious at that point. Small blessings.

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I saw some of these awhile back. I really think it’s something to do with the vaccines. My gut instinct told me that the first time I saw it. NOT because I’m trying to be an anti-vaxxer (although I do not think “these” vaccines are safe because they didn’t do trials (the citizens are the trials), but because we didn’t see any of these before the vaccines. AND too many ppl are having horrible side effects.

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Implicit with these videos is that these collapses are novel. I am open-minded and believe they could be, but we're not going to just be superstitious about it, are we? There is a "salience" issue here. Maybe this stuff happens all the time. More people on social media, more surveillance cams, more opportunities to show it. Hard to say.

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Fake, just like the videos of ppl falling dead with covid.

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Actually, most of these videos are from security cameras tracking routine activity in the area ~ and here's the explanation of what is actually happening:

> https://escapingmasspsychosis.substack.com/p/what-the-hell-is-this/comment/9377233

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There was also security camera footage of fake falling over dead from covid. This is China, remember.

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Actually, we have no easy way of knowing where these videos were taken.

Admittedly, a couple of these videos might have been from China, but many of them could just as easily have been from Japan, South Korea or anywhere in Southeast Asia. In fact, one video looks like it might be from India, and another could easily be from either Central or South America.

All I'm saying is that it is easy for us to jump to dismissive conclusions about these videos, in the absence any solid data or verification. Plus the explanation from the parent with vax-injured children (see the link I shared previously) is certainly a plausible explanation, and it could relatively easily be verified.

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I've read it explained as an aura prior to an epileptic seizure. Also, since the 2020 Chinese death videos, I trust nothing from the East.

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