Oct 3, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

Silly me used to think that THE science was never settled by definition, let alone be owned. What a sad commentary on us old folks stuck in these outdated paradigms.

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Be a free thinker and don’t accept everything you read on the first page of google as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe in. - Aristotle

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Jason Breshears of www.archaix.com has interesting perspectives on history, chronology, what the elite are doing, etc.... I created a page for his extensive research/data at www.theredpilloftruth.com/archaix.html which has all this man's initial books, videos, charts, ebooks, etc.... tons of info I think might be help for your readers.

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They merely 'own' the Google search results. The arrogance and entitlement is breath-taking. Nobody 'owns' science; science emerges naturally from the honest and unbiased investigation of the real world, in all its wondrous, natural complexity, which is not something the UN or Google would know much about.

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This kind of honesty should be appreciated. Now what we all pretty much knew is confirmed at the source.

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

The climate is changing back to its normal fluctuating cycles. The UN can own it if they want, they will have to pay for it, which of course, it still doesn't matter.

Life is what mitigates the climate, the UN's fascist culture (which includes most of you) of transforming the Earth is what has ruined the battery of life.

Its all going to worsen from here.

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Let us say that A is a competent person at the top managerial position in a company.

A will choose to be surrounded by people which are less smart and easy to control. Let us name this circle B.

Everyone in the circle B will choose to be surrounded by people even less smart than they are, to avoid any of their subordinates challenging their position and so on down the management levels.

The only really smart ones must be the bottom of the pyramid, the ones doing the real work, because they need to know what they are doing in order for the company to come on the market with a sellable product and make enough profit to keep the whole thing going.

Eventually A dies and is replaced by someone from the circle B, who will replace everyone in the said circle with the ones in the circle C to avoid any contenders, so everyone moves up one level and the new arrangement is more stupid.

When the new A dies or gets booted for making bad choices, the next top seat will be taken by someone from the circle B, which now is in fact the old circle C, and the whole "purge the possible threats and replace with more manageable" process goes on and on until the whole company is being run by complete numbskulls.

This is why and how we ended up with these morons in almost every position of control and leadership, and this is why I understand the idea of bringing everything down and rebuild it with apt people at the top, but eventually the cycle will be repeated, because it is in the human nature.

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I have suddenly become a rabid supporter of eugenics. I now believe that Melissa Fleming and all her ignorant and clearly mentally retarded disciples or fans or clients, or whatever they are, have become an existential threat to life on Earth and should all be forced to submit to mRNA vaccines and courses of Remdesivir every six months until they are all mercifully dead. Morover, I suggest we launch a global lotto in which we normies can bet on how long they last. My money is on 9 days.

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Oct 3, 2022·edited Oct 3, 2022Liked by Winston Smith

'to Own you'

a Master/Slave relationship, pimp/whore

'You' are effectively non-human, fungible.

May as well be a cultivated mushroom - a shitty existence for a scientist truth seeker.

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Short and to the point, Winston, Linking this and the full propaganda video today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Full propaganda video: Tackling Disinformation #SDIM22 - World Economic Forum


The BS is pretty thick in the WEF video!!!!

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I think she meant "We own the scientists", but y'know same difference

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Just tried to upload a video called, "nobody owns science" re: climate change, it disappeared into the abyss. I know this because I always rank in the too 5 videos especially for a new twist on the keywords. But in the case of "climate change" there is no standing room for any new opinions on Google.

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