Finally, some good news. Now let's do everything to keep out of their way and so maximise the self-destructing element you so eloquently described. Dare I say even help it a hand or two.
Because they can't help it. They destroy everything. They have to. Utopia, their ultimate goal, means no place. And yes, there is no place for Marxists in a livable and existing place.
The impulse to control and then destroy everything is the fundamental drive of Western culture, including its religion. Every thing and every being both human and non-human reduced to a lifeless commodified object
Humankind is like rubble in its current state. We are treating The Divine Gift (that is Creation) like mud.
Meanwhile why not check out the authors featured on this truth-telling site, all of which describe the historical and present-time process and cultural consequences of this destructive drive - very few of which are dreaded marxists.
I'm not an atheist, nor a liberal. I'm probably someone you would judge as a nasty capitalist. A deplorable. A christian. I scrolled through the list in your link, recognized many of the names. I like Lapham's Quarterly and will check out some of the ones I'm not familiar with. No culture is perfect, and Western Culture has its faults, it's decline readily observable. I hate to see it come to this.
The second is a review in a Marxist journal of an unspeakably vile sado-masochistic snuff/splatter movie in which the 'hero" representing every single human being and humankind altogether is systematically beaten to death. At the time this movie was touted as a superb missionary vehicle for spreading the "good news". The events pointed to in this movie are described by Naomi Klein in her book The Shock Doctrine.
the caucasians are the creators. just look what western civilization has built. we have been dumbed down over time and invaded by the parasitic race. maurice samuel quote from his book you gentiles, we jooz, we are the destroyers. nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. we will forever destroy because we want a world of our own. they are destroying our race. it's a spiritual battle of good versus evil. we were once 30% of the population and now we're down to 7-8% and this kill shot is ethnically focussed on us. dr. lee merritt has the study to prove it.
My mind kept replacing 'Marxist' with 'Capitalist', and so read 'capitalist utopia' - which it appears is promoted by my television set every time i turn it on...
This article screams for the subtitle: "And how can we encourage this?"
Finally, some good news. Now let's do everything to keep out of their way and so maximise the self-destructing element you so eloquently described. Dare I say even help it a hand or two.
Because they can't help it. They destroy everything. They have to. Utopia, their ultimate goal, means no place. And yes, there is no place for Marxists in a livable and existing place.
The impulse to control and then destroy everything is the fundamental drive of Western culture, including its religion. Every thing and every being both human and non-human reduced to a lifeless commodified object
Humankind is like rubble in its current state. We are treating The Divine Gift (that is Creation) like mud.
Meanwhile why not check out the authors featured on this truth-telling site, all of which describe the historical and present-time process and cultural consequences of this destructive drive - very few of which are dreaded marxists.
I'm not an atheist, nor a liberal. I'm probably someone you would judge as a nasty capitalist. A deplorable. A christian. I scrolled through the list in your link, recognized many of the names. I like Lapham's Quarterly and will check out some of the ones I'm not familiar with. No culture is perfect, and Western Culture has its faults, it's decline readily observable. I hate to see it come to this.
Two more references on the intrinsically psychotic nature of right-wing politics.
The first describes how the all-American zombie President dramatized his psychosis on to the world-stage or the bodies of his many victims.
The second is a review in a Marxist journal of an unspeakably vile sado-masochistic snuff/splatter movie in which the 'hero" representing every single human being and humankind altogether is systematically beaten to death. At the time this movie was touted as a superb missionary vehicle for spreading the "good news". The events pointed to in this movie are described by Naomi Klein in her book The Shock Doctrine.
the caucasians are the creators. just look what western civilization has built. we have been dumbed down over time and invaded by the parasitic race. maurice samuel quote from his book you gentiles, we jooz, we are the destroyers. nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. we will forever destroy because we want a world of our own. they are destroying our race. it's a spiritual battle of good versus evil. we were once 30% of the population and now we're down to 7-8% and this kill shot is ethnically focussed on us. dr. lee merritt has the study to prove it.
My mind kept replacing 'Marxist' with 'Capitalist', and so read 'capitalist utopia' - which it appears is promoted by my television set every time i turn it on...
For something to be in decline, ie morals or culture, that something has to be defined...All i see is a lot of Confusion...
The Family includes A Father...Minus a Father and you have a natural relationship...There's no such thing as a Fatherless Family...