Dear Winston,
I have been reading astounding things have arisen in the New South Wales courts. Their head bureaucrat overseeing ‘heath’ confessed that no modelling had been done to assess the impact of a small number of health workers not being vaccinated. New South Wales is not alone in this as we recently learned that the Victorian Department of Health based their mask-wearing decrees by referencing a Burnett Institute study, the extent of which was to carefully examine a couple of photos taken by a local newspaper.
So just how do these people make their decisions? How can it be that the Premier of any of the Australian States seriously takes what has to be whispered advice, when so many serious peer-reviewed studies on all aspects of COVID, from masks to material in the injections, are readily available?
They say they are following the science - Yet they continue to keep this compelling science, that dictate their COVID health orders, a secret. Perhaps this is a Mandela Effect1 and our collective memory is wrong? Even the Prime Minister has tabled legislation to bury the ‘National Cabinet’s’ secret discussions forever. My guess is that this information is simply too dangerous for the simple folk. Perhaps the real danger is that the simple folk would realise that the political class cannot be trusted to have a frank and honest discussion. Either of those options is simply too weird for consideration IF their science is trustworthy. Surely we too should trust ‘the science’ - we simple folk could understand and recognise valid reasons for continuing violations of Australian law - if the data was so compelling.
But Winston, dear chap, the data isn’t compelling is it!? - ‘the science’ is not worth a pinch of cocky poo2. Convince me that these examples of ‘the science’ are not bird excrement which should never have seen the light of day, let alone be in the same building that determines the policy of government at any level!
What we are witnessing is a group of politicians so desperate that they grasp at used Poo Tickets3 to justify their actions. Sad to say, that this country once famous for being laid-back and welcoming is now famous across the globe for the stupidity of both its elected and un-elected officials and cruelty to its simple folk.
Kind regards
PS: I have kept that journal aside for you. I was thinking of asking $4 but perhaps that is a little high.
The Mandela Effect refers to a situation in which a large mass of people believes that an event occurred when it did not.
“cocky poo” trades for very little these days.
Better known as toilet paper in more advanced parts of the world - Advanced, as in not reverting back to a tyrannically run penal colony.
Thank you again for your letter Mr Charrington. And yes, the notebook would be lovely and the price acceptable. I'll pick it up next time I'm in your shop.
I believe that the 'science' and 'modelling' that they are using to enforce these draconian regulations are an impressive work of fiction. However, they also come under the heading of those works that are impressive as fiction, but so poorly written that the entire print run ends up being remaindered, then remaindered by those stores that profit from selling remaindered works.
In other words, cocky-poo is worth more.