So true Allan. It has always been the case, for totalitarian rule, that a lack of logic and chaos are tools of the propagandist - the logical thinker will try to defend reason in the face of stupidity but the chaotic, idiotic, non-logical position of the totalitarian leaves the logical thinker no where to go - except frustration.
Thank you again for your letter Mr Charrington. And yes, the notebook would be lovely and the price acceptable. I'll pick it up next time I'm in your shop.
I believe that the 'science' and 'modelling' that they are using to enforce these draconian regulations are an impressive work of fiction. However, they also come under the heading of those works that are impressive as fiction, but so poorly written that the entire print run ends up being remaindered, then remaindered by those stores that profit from selling remaindered works.
So true Allan. It has always been the case, for totalitarian rule, that a lack of logic and chaos are tools of the propagandist - the logical thinker will try to defend reason in the face of stupidity but the chaotic, idiotic, non-logical position of the totalitarian leaves the logical thinker no where to go - except frustration.
Is Mr Charrington your alter-ego?
No Mr Charrington is actually another person, although this may not be his real name ;-)
Thank you again for your letter Mr Charrington. And yes, the notebook would be lovely and the price acceptable. I'll pick it up next time I'm in your shop.
I believe that the 'science' and 'modelling' that they are using to enforce these draconian regulations are an impressive work of fiction. However, they also come under the heading of those works that are impressive as fiction, but so poorly written that the entire print run ends up being remaindered, then remaindered by those stores that profit from selling remaindered works.
In other words, cocky-poo is worth more.
I like your assessment. and cocky poo is likely less dangerous and better for the garden.
That is true, although both groups do hang about in large, obnoxious, gangs :-)