Here’s what the Australian Government will want you to believe (and it’s coming from someone with a stethoscope around their neck, so they must know for certain that what they are saying is completely true).
But wait! The numbers from the USA are telling a different story aren’t they?1
Ah but wait - those must be normal numbers for vaccine side-effects right? What about looking at just the death rate?
Yep, nothing to see here. All looks completely normal. The good doctor must have checked and seen that those deaths (that are probably only 1% of the true numbers) in 2020-2021 must be from some other vaccine2 - not the COVID ones.
But what about the American data from their Medicare Tracking System revealing that 19,4003 people less than 80 years old have died within 14 days of receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine?
But let’s not get too hung up on data like this right? What does the government say? (after all they are the bastions of credible, medically proven information) “Adverse events are unusual and rare,” according to Dr. Fauci. So relax, it’s all good, you’d be extremely dangerous4 if you didn’t take the jab.
Taken from
Note to self: Avoid the extremely dangerous new vaccine that’s obviously produced the enormous spike in deaths on the VAERS reporting system. Oh, and must remember to go get the completely safe COVID jab (because when women with stethoscopes around their neck tell you to do something you’d better obey - for your own health).
The number of people on Medicare in the USA make up 18.1% of the population and so these numbers only represent that portion of the population. So you could multiply the death rate by say 4 or 5 to get a true number (and these are only people under 80 years old) to about 77,600-97,000 people. That’s a lot of dead people.
Your can find more details here
Unvaccinated people are selfish and dangerous! They should also be excluded from society as the new sub-humans.